Reunion by Larien Elengasse
Summary: Glorfindel comes home.
Categories: FPS, FPS > Erestor/Glorfindel, FPS > Glorfindel/Erestor Characters: Erestor, Glorfindel
Type: None
Warning: None
Challenges: None
Series: Love in a Time of War
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 674 Read: 2530 Published: September 13, 2009 Updated: September 13, 2009
Story Notes:
Glorfindel and Erestor just won't leave me alone. Inspired by the beautiful music of Melissa Etheridge. A companion piece to "Run" and "Coming Home".

Beta: Alex

The Love in a Time of War series.

1. Chapter 1 by Larien Elengasse

Chapter 1 by Larien Elengasse
Ithil danced her slow dance across the sky, bathing the valley of Imladris in her silver light. Two lovers, one waiting, one running, illuminated in her glow. They say the moon is for lovers, never were there two lovers more needful of her guidance than Glorfindel and Erestor.

A wager, years ago, made as a jest, a challenge between two headstrong males was the harbinger of an event that would change them both forever. What began as a tryst grew into a love that would shape these old warriors and change them for all time.

On a cold winter night, that love hung in the air like an unspoken promise waiting to be born, waiting to take flight and soar into the heavens.

Erestor stood upon his terrace, swathed in heavy black robes, his hair unbound, hanging like a curtain of pitch around his pale face. Silver eyes pierced the night, performing their nightly ritual, searching for the one who held their master's heart. His long fingers encircled the stone railing, heedless of the cold and the snow that began to fall. The scraping of dry leaves against stone filled his ears, the soft whisper of the winter wind setting them to dance in the moonlight.

Where was he? Erestor wondered. Was he cold? Was he sleeping or did he stare up at the same moon?

"You cannot stay away forever," he whispered into the cold night, "and I am very, very patient."

Under the winter moon the trees cast long shadows, the wind whistled in Glorfindel's ears as his mount flew over the hard packed earth. A dusting of snow covered the ground, delicate flakes landing on his face and melting as he raced toward the Last Homely House.

"Do not be too late," he whispered to himself. "Please do not be too late..."

The ground blurred beneath him as he urged his horse on.

Erestor's fingers tightened around the stone railing even before his ears registered the sound. Bells. Bright silver bells ringing upon the wind. Without a word, Erestor turned and ran. His robes billowed behind him, caressing the smooth stone floor as he flew down the corridor to the grand staircase.

The heavy wooden door banged open as he dashed into the night. Down the path, thirty-six stairs, one landing, twenty-five more, and he would be there.

The bells grew louder, accompanied by the clattering of hooves. Erestor skipped over steps four at a time as he ran faster than he ever had. Not even the wolves of Angband had lit such a fire in him.

"I'm coming, my lion," he panted, "almost there..."

The stream, two curves, then the gates. "Almost home now," Glorfindel breathed. "I'm coming, my raven."

The great white stallion leapt over the stream as though he had wings, his stride collecting as he navigated the sharp curves of the path with ease.

His boots sent a thin layer of snow aloft as he thudded heavily on the first landing. His limbs were tingling, his heart racing as the white stallion thundered through the gate. He was six steps from the bottom as Glorfindel hit the ground running – running toward him.

Erestor leapt from the stairs and Glorfindel caught him in his arms. The warrior buried his face in the raven hair he had dreamt about as he swung the counselor in a wide arc.

"I love you, Erestor," he breathed.

Erestor laughed as he threw his arms around his lover's neck.

Glorfindel set his beloved down, smiling through his tears as Erestor caressed his face. Lights flickered on in windows, heads popping out of doors, as Erestor shouted...

"I love you, Glorfindel!"

Glorfindel laughed and picked him up again, answering with as much passion as anyone had ever heard...

"I love you, Erestor!"

On a cold winter night in a hidden valley, two old warriors found each other for the first time in over an age. That night everything changed for Glorfindel and Erestor, and they were never the same. Some say the moon smiled...
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