The Sign Of Sauron by Milly of Isengard


Summary: The War of the Ring is raging on. Gandalf has already visited Saruman and Grima, and having been unsuccessful in talking Saruman down from Orthanc, has broken his staff, and left the two of them locked in the Tower.
Rating: General Audience [Reviews - 0]
Category: FPS > Gandalf/Legolas/Saruman, FPS
Characters: Gandalf, Legolas, Saruman
Type: Hurt/Comfort, Romance/Drama
Warning: Angst
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapter: 1 | Completed: No | Words: 5721 | Read: 781
Published: August 28, 2012 | Updated: August 28, 2012

Story notes: A mysterious plague of epic proportions has begun to ravage Middle Earth, striking all who have directly opposed Sauron. It is believed to be of magical origin, coming from Mordor. Men of Gondor and Rohan are dying in droves- Gandalf, Legolas and all the Elves, as well as Grima, have remained unscathed, however Saruman is beginning to show signs of the fatal infection.

The disease in unique in its horror: in the early stages it resembles severe flu with a very high fever- then it progresses to racking spasms ( similar to that produced by tetanus )that are so agonizing that even strong men, it is said, plead for death.

Truly, a gift from Sauron to his enemies.

Nothing like it has ever been seen in Middle Earth before.

1. Chapter 1 by Milly of Isengard [Reviews - 0] (5721 words)