
Other Results: 53 Challenges, 8 Series


Foolish Secrets by Haleth

Rated: Mature Audience [Reviews - 2]
Summary: Elrohir becomes ill and Elladan's actions towards his brother makes Elrond believe there is something more than brotherly love between the two.
Category: FPS > Haldir/Erestor, FPS, FPS > Elrohir/Elladan, FPS > Elladan/Elrohir, FPS > Elladan/Haldir, FPS > Haldir/Elladan, FPS > Elrond/Glorfindel, FPS > Glorfindel/Elrond, FPS > Erestor/Haldir
Characters: Elladan, Elrohir, Elrond, Erestor, Glorfindel, Haldir of Lothlórien
Type: None
Warning: Incest
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 5 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 16800 | Read count: 3611

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Published: July 28, 2011 | Updated: July 28, 2011

Forests of the Night by Sildil, Jaiden_s

Rated: Restricted Audience [Reviews - 2]
Summary: Elrond and Thranduil discover a connection to each other and to the forest of Mirkwood.
Category: FPS, FPS > Elrond/Thranduil, FPS > Thranduil/Elrond
Characters: Elrond, Thranduil
Type: None
Warning: None
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 5589 | Read count: 1019

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Published: December 20, 2011 | Updated: December 20, 2011

Forever - Give or Take by Ignoblebard

Rated: Teenage Audience [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Legolas if forced to discipline the Master of Keys for dereliction of duty.
Category: FPS
Characters: Celebrimbor, Elrond, Gil-galad
Type: Humor
Warning: None
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 7382 | Read count: 753

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Published: September 04, 2015 | Updated: September 04, 2015

Forever Down The Road by Rufferto

Rated: Restricted Audience [Reviews - 1]
Summary: Elrond is diverted from his grief, rather spectacularly.
Category: FPS, FPS > Elrond/Erestor/Glorfindel, FPS > Elrond/Gil-galad, FPS > Gil-galad/Elrond
Characters: Elrond, Erestor, Gil-galad, Glorfindel
Type: Threesomes and Groups
Warning: None
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 2013 | Read count: 760

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Published: December 20, 2011 | Updated: December 20, 2011

Fortunate Son by Helmboy

Rated: Restricted Audience [Reviews - 1]
Summary: Legolas is fostered as a youngster to the court at Rivendell, much against the wishes of his parents and in keeping with the 'guidance' of Celeborn and Galadriel, two who hope to end the bickering by creating a bond. All that follows is not gold. ;)
Category: FPS, FPS > Elrond/Legolas, FPS > Legolas/Elrond
Characters: Elrond, Legolas
Type: None
Warning: None
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 19 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 50069 | Read count: 15614

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Published: July 19, 2011 | Updated: July 19, 2011

Friends are Forever by Carhuine Malthenel

Rated: Teenage Audience [Reviews - 0]
Summary: As Legolas lays near death Aragorn and Elrond both try to come to grips with their feelings for him.
Category: FPS > Legolas/Elrond, FPS, FPS > Aragorn/Legolas, FPS > Legolas/Aragorn, FPS > Elrond/Legolas
Characters: Aragorn, Elrond, Legolas
Type: None
Warning: Sap/Fluff
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 22 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 15284 | Read count: 63861

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Published: August 15, 2012 | Updated: August 15, 2012

Gifts by Aglarien

Rated: Teenage Audience [Reviews - 0]
Summary: A child is lost…and found.
Category: FPS > Figwit/Glorfindel, FPS, FPS > Elrond/Erestor, FPS > Erestor/Elrond, FPS > Glorfindel/Figwit
Characters: Aragorn, Elladan, Elrohir, Elrond, Erestor, Figwit (Melpomaen), Glorfindel
Type: None
Warning: None
Series: Metamorphosis
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 2089 | Read count: 2978

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Published: November 06, 2008 | Updated: November 06, 2008

Glorfindel of Imladris by Gasdil

Rated: Teenage Audience [Reviews - 0]
Summary: "Child, you didn't ask for a lover when the Valar restored me, but for a warrior."
Category: FPS, FPS > Elrond/Glorfindel, FPS > Glorfindel/Elrond
Characters: Elrond, Glorfindel
Type: None
Warning: None
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 3 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 7349 | Read count: 9441

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Published: July 26, 2011 | Updated: July 26, 2011

Glorfindel Sleeping by Morgana

Rated: Restricted Audience [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Glorfindel finds out why Elrond likes to draw him in his sleep.
Category: FPS > Glorfindel/Elrond, FPS, FPS > Elrond/Glorfindel
Characters: Elrond, Glorfindel
Type: None
Warning: Sap/Fluff
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 3627 | Read count: 1004

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Published: July 26, 2011 | Updated: July 26, 2011

Glorfindel's Darkest Hour by Morgana

Rated: Restricted Audience [Reviews - 0] starstarstarstarstar
Summary: Saruman plans to breed a new, even strongerrace of Uruk-Hai and wants Glorfindel, the Balrog Slayer for this experiment. When Glorfindel is taken by the Wizard's creatures, Erestor is determined to rescue his friend.
Category: FPS > Elrond/Haldir, FPS, FPS > Glorfindel/Elrond, FPS > Elrond/Glorfindel, FPS > Erestor/Glorfindel, FPS > Glorfindel/Erestor, FPS > Haldir/Elrond
Characters: Elrond, Erestor, Glorfindel, Haldir of Lothlórien
Type: None
Warning: MPreg, Rape
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 25 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 95721 | Read count: 24805

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Published: July 26, 2011 | Updated: July 26, 2011

Gold and Stardust by Oakenshield

Rated: Mature Audience [Reviews - 0] starstarstarstarhalf-star
Summary: After the fall of Gil-galad, Glorfindel tries to rid Elrond of his grief at the risk of breaking his own heart.
Category: FPS > Gil-galad/Círdan, FPS, FPS > Elrond/Glorfindel, FPS > Glorfindel/Elrond, FPS > Elrond/Gil-galad, FPS > Gil-galad/Elrond, FPS > Círdan/Gil-galad
Characters: Círdan, Elrond, Gil-galad, Glorfindel
Type: None
Warning: Angst
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 5623 | Read count: 632

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Published: July 26, 2011 | Updated: July 26, 2011

Gone too Far Away by Anonymous Slashlover

Rated: Mature Audience [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Glorfindel/Elrond, Glorfindel/Erestor. R for self-mutilation (sorry if you aren't into that) and angst.
Category: FPS > Erestor/Glorfindel, FPS, FPS > Elrond/Glorfindel, FPS > Glorfindel/Elrond, FPS > Glorfindel/Erestor
Characters: Elrond, Erestor, Glorfindel
Type: None
Warning: None
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 15837 | Read count: 898

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Published: July 26, 2011 | Updated: July 26, 2011

Gone with the Elves by Celebrant Peredhil

Rated: Restricted Audience [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Elrond horrid to Elrohir, but he has Elladan. No, Elrond will not stay that way AND Elrond slashy-ness will work in later. ::Nod nod::
Category: FPS > Elrohir/Elladan, FPS, FPS > Elladan/Elrohir
Characters: Elladan, Elrohir, Elrond
Type: None
Warning: Incest
Challenges: Elrond challenge
Series: None
Challenge: Elrond challenge
Chapters: 2 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 4810 | Read count: 599

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Published: December 31, 2008 | Updated: December 31, 2008

Green by Aglarien

Rated: General Audience [Reviews - 0]
Summary: A drabble! My first drabble! Miracles do happen.
Category: FPS
Characters: Elrond, Erestor, Gandalf
Type: None
Warning: AU
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 100 | Read count: 1085

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Published: November 04, 2008 | Updated: November 04, 2008

Greenleaf and Imladris 4. By Hook Or By Crook by Eresse

Rated: Restricted Audience [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Elrond and Thranduil discover there is more to strategy than meets the eye.
Category: FPS
Characters: Celebrían, Elrond, Thranduil
Type: None
Warning: Het Content
Series: Greenleaf and Imladris
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 2915 | Read count: 510

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Published: August 22, 2009 | Updated: August 22, 2009

Harbinger by Keiliss

Rated: Teenage Audience [Reviews - 0]

"It feels like someone has a leash around the world and is pulling tight.” As Númenor sinks and the seas are bent, a storm lashes Lindon's coast and Elrond has a vision of destruction.

Category: FPS, FPS > Gil-galad/Erestor, FPS > Glorfindel/Elrond
Characters: Elrond, Erestor, Gil-galad, Glorfindel
Type: Mystery, Romance/Drama
Warning: None
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 3747 | Read count: 869

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Published: February 22, 2015 | Updated: February 22, 2015

Haunted by Orchyd Constyne

Rated: Mature Audience [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Sometimes the price of love is our soul.
Category: FPS, FPS > Elrond/Glorfindel, FPS > Glorfindel/Elrond
Characters: Elrond, Glorfindel
Type: None
Warning: None
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 1149 | Read count: 305

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Published: January 06, 2012 | Updated: January 06, 2012

Healing by Minx

Rated: Teenage Audience [Reviews - 1]
Summary: One of the greatest healers of the time finds some use for his skills in the midsummer in Minas Tirith, and gains a little healing of his own in return.
Category: FPS > Faramir/Elrond, FPS, FPS > Elrond/Faramir
Characters: Elrond, Faramir
Type: None
Warning: Angst, Sap/Fluff
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 3846 | Read count: 1547

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Published: September 03, 2012 | Updated: September 03, 2012

Heart in Chains by Morgana

Rated: Restricted Audience [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar
Summary: Who is Erestor and what happened to him in his long life? What caused him to save Elrond's life when the High-King died, leaving the Peredhel alone and hurting?
Category: FPS > Orophin/Celeborn, FPS, FPS > Haldir/Glorfindel, FPS > Glorfindel/Haldir, FPS > Haldir/Erestor, FPS > Erestor/Haldir, FPS > Elrond/Erestor, FPS > Erestor/Elrond, FPS > Celeborn/Orophin
Characters: Celeborn, Elrond, Erestor, Glorfindel, Haldir of Lothlórien, Orophin
Type: None
Warning: Angst, AU, MPreg
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 41 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 167172 | Read count: 39512

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Published: September 02, 2012 | Updated: September 02, 2012

Hidden Love by Anestel

Rated: Restricted Audience [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Elrond loses the last of his family and feels alone and unloved. Till someone shows him the love that has been there all along.
Category: FPS > Elrond/Erestor, FPS, FPS > Erestor/Elrond
Characters: Elrond, Erestor
Type: None
Warning: None
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 11 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 4804 | Read count: 4851

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Published: September 03, 2012 | Updated: September 03, 2012

Hidden Strength by Xenobia

Rated: Restricted Audience [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarhalf-star
Summary: Frodo arrives in Rivendell, barely clinging to his mortality. Elrond heals him and is surprised to discover just how strong the hobbit's spirit truly is. The elven king is disquieted by how drawn he is to Frodo.
Category: FPS > Frodo/Elrond, FPS, FPS > Elrond/Frodo
Characters: Elrond, Frodo
Type: None
Warning: Rape
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 17 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 51396 | Read count: 9642

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Published: September 03, 2012 | Updated: September 03, 2012

Ho Tarion by Anu

Rated: Restricted Audience [Reviews - 0] starstarstarhalf-star
Summary: Elrond turns 229, and has the best birthday ever.
Category: FPS > Elrond/Erestor/Gil-galad/Glorfindel, FPS
Characters: Elrond, Erestor, Gil-galad, Glorfindel
Type: None
Warning: None
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 2688 | Read count: 344

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Published: September 02, 2012 | Updated: September 02, 2012

Honour Before Love by Maddy Snape

Rated: Restricted Audience [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar
Summary: Set during Lord of the Rings, Legolas returns to Rivendell to report the escape of Gollum after betraying his lover, Elrond, two hundred years previously.
Category: FPS > Legolas/Elrond, FPS, FPS > Elrond/Legolas
Characters: Elrond, Legolas
Type: None
Warning: MPreg
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 11 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 25466 | Read count: 13295

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Published: September 02, 2012 | Updated: September 02, 2012

How could you know, O possibly know, that the reins of my soul are in your hands! by The Fair One

Rated: Restricted Audience [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstar
Summary: Legolas is dying, the three remaining Lords of middle earth try something quite beautifully drastic to save his life.
Category: FPS, FPS > Aragorn/Legolas, FPS > Legolas/Aragorn, FPS > Haldir/Legolas, FPS > Legolas/Haldir, FPS > Elrond/Legolas, FPS > Legolas/Elrond, FPS > Elrond/Haldir, FPS > Haldir/Elrond
Characters: Aragorn, Elrond, Haldir of Lothlórien, Legolas
Type: None
Warning: None
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: No | Word count: 6802 | Read count: 1602

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Published: September 26, 2011 | Updated: September 26, 2011

How to lose an Elf in ten days by Darkness Grows

Rated: Restricted Audience [Reviews - 0]
Summary: This started out from the idea of "How to lose a guy in ten day" but somewhere along the way it went way off course. Glorfindel dumps Erestor because he does everything wrong. Are did he. Is there something more then friendship between Erestor and Legolas. Read to find out.
Category: FPS > Elladan/Elrohir/Erestor/Legolas, FPS, FPS > Elrond/Legolas, FPS > Legolas/Elrond, FPS > Glorfindel/Erestor, FPS > Erestor/Glorfindel, FPS > Erestor/Legolas, FPS > Legolas/Erestor
Characters: Elladan, Elrohir, Elrond, Erestor, Glorfindel, Legolas
Type: Threesomes and Groups
Warning: None
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 9503 | Read count: 905

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Published: September 26, 2011 | Updated: September 26, 2011

Hunger by Zilah

Rated: Teenage Audience [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Erestor and Elrond. And a breakfast.
Category: FPS > Erestor/Elrond, FPS, FPS > Elrond/Erestor
Characters: Elrond, Erestor
Type: None
Warning: None
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 320 | Read count: 1443

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Published: September 26, 2011 | Updated: September 26, 2011

I can be your Artist, and your Elf by Gladiolus

Rated: General Audience [Reviews - 8]
Summary: Half AU. Set in I-don't-know-how-many-thousand years after LOTR movies.
Legolas and Elrond returned from the west.
Aragorn went through reincarnation.
Legolas adopted a new identity as an artist, and Aragorn became a writer as he lives this life.
Simple, light hearted story.

Elrond/Thranduil mentioned, but will not have a major role.
Category: FPS, FPS > Aragorn/Legolas
Characters: Aragorn, Elrond, Legolas, Thranduil
Type: Romance/Drama
Warning: AU
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 4 | Completed: No | Word count: 5583 | Read count: 4481

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Published: January 23, 2015 | Updated: February 16, 2015

I've Been Thinking About You by Aglarien

Rated: Teenage Audience [Reviews - 0]
Summary: A wounded Elrohir realizes whom it is that he has been searching for.
Category: FPS > Elrohir/?, FPS
Characters: Elladan, Elrohir, Elrond, Erestor, Glorfindel
Type: None
Warning: None
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 2019 | Read count: 1563

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Published: November 08, 2008 | Updated: November 08, 2008

If We Be Friends by Oshun

Rated: Teenage Audience [Reviews - 0]
Summary: This is the story of how a Puckish young Elrond tries to seduce the King. (Written for B2MeM 2014)
Category: FPS > Elrond/Gil-galad, FPS
Characters: Elrond, Gil-galad
Type: Humor, Romance/Drama
Warning: None
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 1012 | Read count: 566

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Published: March 12, 2018 | Updated: March 12, 2018

Im hiraetha... Im mela lle! by Milly

Rated: Mature Audience [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Elrond bans Estel for being in love with Arwen, later on he's sorry and goes after him.
Category: FPS > Glorfindel/Erestor, FPS, FPS > Aragorn/Elrond, FPS > Elrond/Aragorn, FPS > Erestor/Glorfindel
Characters: Aragorn, Elrond, Erestor, Glorfindel
Type: None
Warning: Sap/Fluff
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 4454 | Read count: 1532

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Published: August 01, 2012 | Updated: August 01, 2012

In Darkness And In Doubt by Crista

Rated: Teenage Audience [Reviews - 0]
Summary: As the time to sail draws near and they make their Choice, Elladan and Elrohir must come to terms with the consequences.
Category: FPS > Elros/Elrond, FPS, FPS > Elladan/Elrohir, FPS > Elrohir/Elladan, FPS > Erestor/Glorfindel, FPS > Glorfindel/Erestor, FPS > Elrond/Elros
Characters: Elladan, Elrohir, Elrond, Elros, Erestor, Glorfindel
Type: Romance/Drama
Warning: Angst, Incest
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 4923 | Read count: 1933

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Published: July 30, 2012 | Updated: July 30, 2012

In Lieu of Love by Ilye

Rated: Restricted Audience [Reviews - 0]
Summary: First in the "Kindred Spirits" trilogy and prequel to Don't Fade Away, but you need not have read Don't Fade Away to read this; it should make perfect sense without. (Notice I said "should"!) This is the story, outlined there, of how Glorfindel saved Elrond from his grief when Celebrìan sailed to Valinor.
Category: FPS, FPS > Elrond/Glorfindel, FPS > Glorfindel/Elrond
Characters: Elrond, Glorfindel
Type: None
Warning: None
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 34 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 73778 | Read count: 10550

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Published: July 31, 2012 | Updated: July 31, 2012

In the Bleak Midwinter by Maggie Honeybite

Rated: Mature Audience [Reviews - 0] starstarstarstarstar
Summary: On a cold winter night in Lindon, things heat up between the High King and his herald for the very first time. PWP. Can be read as part of the Sweetness and Gall story arc, but also stands alone.
Category: FPS > Gil-galad/Elrond, FPS, FPS > Elrond/Gil-galad
Characters: Elrond, Gil-galad
Type: None
Warning: None
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 3560 | Read count: 808

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Published: July 30, 2012 | Updated: July 30, 2012

In the Dark Forest the Secret Lies... by Morgana

Rated: Restricted Audience [Reviews - 2] starstarstarhalf-star
Summary: The twins (as Elflings) discover a refugee in the forests close to Imladris and Erestor's secret will eventually be revealed.
Category: FPS, FPS > Elrond/Erestor, FPS > Erestor/Elrond
Characters: Elrond, Erestor
Type: None
Warning: AU
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 7 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 62635 | Read count: 8371

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Published: August 13, 2009 | Updated: August 13, 2009

In the Eyes of the Beholder by Deathangelgw

Rated: Restricted Audience [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarhalf-star
Summary: Elrond learns to see a different way through Thranduil, but will it be enough?
Category: FPS, FPS > Elrond/Thranduil, FPS > Thranduil/Elrond
Characters: Celebrían, Elrond, Gil-galad, Thranduil
Type: Dark fic
Warning: Angst, AU, Sap/Fluff, Violence
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: No | Word count: 3908 | Read count: 987

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Published: February 27, 2010 | Updated: February 27, 2010

In Twilight by Aduial

Rated: Restricted Audience [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarhalf-star
Summary: Elladan and Elrohir must foster a year in Mirkwood, but Elladan finds something beneath the beech trees of the Greenwood he did not expect to find.
Category: FPS > Glorfindel/Elrond, FPS, FPS > Elladan/Legolas, FPS > Legolas/Elladan, FPS > Elrond/Glorfindel
Characters: Elladan, Elrond, Glorfindel, Legolas
Type: None
Warning: None
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 21 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 51345 | Read count: 12035

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Published: July 29, 2012 | Updated: July 29, 2012

In your heart by Zilah

Rated: Teenage Audience [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Erestor tells to Elrond, where his heart lay.
Category: FPS > Erestor/Elrond, FPS, FPS > Elrond/Erestor
Characters: Elrond, Erestor
Type: None
Warning: None
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 278 | Read count: 1339

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Published: July 29, 2012 | Updated: July 29, 2012

Indian Summer by Helmboy

Rated: Mature Audience [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Away from Imladris, Legolas must cope with the expectations of family and dynasty.
Category: FPS, FPS > Elrond/Legolas, FPS > Legolas/Elrond
Characters: Elrond, Legolas
Type: None
Warning: None
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 8460 | Read count: 693

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Published: July 30, 2012 | Updated: July 30, 2012

Indiscretion by JDE

Rated: Mature Audience [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar
Summary: Can be read as a standalone story. It may also be read as an interlude between Separation and Desolation of the Endurance Series.
Category: FPS > Gildor/Elrond, FPS, FPS > Elrond/Maedhros, FPS > Maedhros/Elrond, FPS > Elrond/Gildor
Characters: Elrond, Gildor, Maedhros
Type: None
Warning: None
Series: The Follies of Youth
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 1348 | Read count: 534

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Published: January 14, 2009 | Updated: January 14, 2009

Initiation by JDE

Rated: Teenage Audience [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarhalf-star
Summary: Maglor attempts to instil new hope and determination in Elrond after the latter despairs when Elros leaves home to be with his beloved. To convince Elrond of the joy of living, Maglor has someone instruct him in the arts of pleasure.
Category: FPS > Elrond/Maedhros, FPS, FPS > Maedhros/Elrond
Characters: Elrond, Maedhros
Type: None
Warning: None
Series: The Song of Sunset, Endurance
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 2670 | Read count: 3662

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Published: October 30, 2008 | Updated: October 30, 2008

Innocent Again by Crista

Rated: Restricted Audience [Reviews - 0]
Summary: After Legolas is raped, he finds healing and love in the arms of the Lord of Imladris.
Category: FPS > Lindir/Elrohir, FPS, FPS > Elladan/Legolas, FPS > Legolas/Elladan, FPS > Elrond/Legolas, FPS > Legolas/Elrond, FPS > Glorfindel/Erestor, FPS > Erestor/Glorfindel, FPS > Elladan/Haldir, FPS > Haldir/Elladan, FPS > Elrohir/Lindir
Characters: Elladan, Elrohir, Elrond, Erestor, Glorfindel, Indis, Legolas, Lindir
Type: Hurt/Comfort
Warning: Angst, Rape
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 15437 | Read count: 4199

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Published: August 01, 2012 | Updated: August 01, 2012

Inside the Darkness by Morgana

Rated: Restricted Audience [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar
Summary: Legolas finds himself in dangerous company (Lurtz) when he seeks refuge in a cave after a battle.
Category: FPS > Glorfindel/Elrond, FPS, FPS > Legolas/Lurtz, FPS > Lurtz/Legolas, FPS > Elrond/Glorfindel
Characters: Elrond, Glorfindel, Legolas, Lurtz
Type: None
Warning: None
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 19 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 55037 | Read count: 16438

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Published: July 31, 2012 | Updated: July 31, 2012

Interlude In Imladris by Emma Keigh

Rated: Restricted Audience [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Elrond welcomes Gil-galad to Imladris.
Category: FPS > Elrond/Gil-galad, FPS, FPS > Gil-galad/Elrond
Characters: Elrond, Gil-galad
Type: PWP
Warning: None
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 2786 | Read count: 552

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Published: July 29, 2012 | Updated: July 29, 2012

Into Darkness by Lancelottie of Mirkwood

Rated: Restricted Audience [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarhalf-star

Thranduil is captured and interrogated by Sauron.

Category: FPS > Thranduil/Thorin, FPS, FPS > Thorin/Thranduil
Characters: Elrond, Galadriel, Sauron, Thorin, Thranduil
Type: Dark fic, Hurt/Comfort
Warning: Angst, BDSM, Interspecies, Mutilation, Torture
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 1659 | Read count: 1062

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Published: October 06, 2016 | Updated: October 06, 2016

Invisible by Darkness Grows

Rated: Restricted Audience [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Why can does not seem to see Erestor.
Category: FPS > Erestor/Glorfindel, FPS, FPS > Elrond/Legolas, FPS > Legolas/Elrond, FPS > Glorfindel/Erestor
Characters: Elrond, Erestor, Glorfindel, Legolas
Type: None
Warning: None
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 2319 | Read count: 1045

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Published: July 29, 2012 | Updated: July 29, 2012

It Happens by Ezras Persian Kitty

Rated: Teenage Audience [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Elrond with a side of Glorfindel, heavy on the angst. And could I get a Haldir with that?
Category: FPS > Lindir/Glorfindel, FPS, FPS > Elrond/Erestor, FPS > Erestor/Elrond, FPS > Glorfindel/Lindir
Characters: Elrond, Erestor, Glorfindel, Lindir
Type: None
Warning: None
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 7 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 15390 | Read count: 20576

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Published: July 29, 2012 | Updated: July 29, 2012

Ithil Lim Glîr by Deathangelgw

Rated: General Audience [Reviews - 1]
Summary: Elrond takes to watching bathing activities of a certain March Warden.
Category: FPS > Elrond/Gil-galad, FPS, FPS > Elrond/Haldir, FPS > Haldir/Elrond, FPS > Gil-galad/Elrond
Characters: Elrond, Gil-galad, Haldir of Lothlórien
Type: None
Warning: Angst, AU, Sap/Fluff
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 1521 | Read count: 2401

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Published: February 27, 2010 | Updated: February 27, 2010

Jealousy by Zilah

Rated: Restricted Audience [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Erestor needs to get rid of an unwanted admirer.
Category: FPS > Erestor/Elrond, FPS, FPS > Elrond/Erestor
Characters: Elrond, Erestor
Type: None
Warning: None
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 1336 | Read count: 881

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Published: July 21, 2011 | Updated: July 21, 2011

Keep Breathing by Cheysuli

Rated: Mature Audience [Reviews - 1]
Summary: After being imprisoned for 30 years, can Legolas and Haldir learn to live again?
Category: FPS > Elrond/Glorfindel, FPS, FPS > Haldir/Legolas, FPS > Legolas/Haldir, FPS > Glorfindel/Elrond
Characters: Elrond, Glorfindel, Haldir of Lothlórien, Legolas
Type: None
Warning: Torture
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 8 | Completed: No | Word count: 8006 | Read count: 3738

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Published: July 21, 2011 | Updated: July 21, 2011

Last Chance by Morgana

Rated: Mature Audience [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Driven mad by loneliness after Celebrian sails for Valinor, Elrond challenges the Valar to return Gil-galad to him, but is Glorfindel of Gondolin who gets a last chance at life.
Category: FPS > Elrond/Glorfindel, FPS, FPS > Glorfindel/Elrond
Characters: Elrond, Glorfindel
Type: None
Warning: AU
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 6 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 22731 | Read count: 2921

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Published: August 09, 2012 | Updated: August 09, 2012