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Lady Gilraen never made it to Rivendell. Instead, she and her son ended up in a human city (your choice) where Aragorn was raised up as a commoner, unaware of his true identity or day he meets up and falls in love with an elven beauty he met accidentally in the forest, an archer named Legolas... It's up to you to decide Gilraen's fate and how Aragorn comes to know of his linage..

Categories: FPS, FPS > Aragorn/Legolas Characters: Aragorn, Gilraen, Legolas
Summary: A teenage Gilraen is sent to Rivendell to be safe from Orc attacks. There she falls in love with Arwen, and the Elven Princess, much to her own surprise, feels the same about her. So they live happily for a few years, loving each other in secret, until Gilraen's parents force her to marry Arathorn. Arwen, desperate, moves to Lórien, where her sorrow is eased as time goes by. Some years later, she returns to Rivendell and finds a 20-year-old ranger called Aragorn; she also finds Gilraen, his mother, and when they meet again they discover what they have known all these years: they still love each other. But is it now too late for them?
Categories: FPS Characters: Arwen, Gilraen