A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other

Summary: I am looking for a story in which Gimli is turned into a beautiful elf (like-rivaling-Galadriel-beautiful), much to his horror, as he travels to Mirkwood to visit Legolas. Legolas is drawn to him right from the start and unabashedly tries to court him (hence chases after the poor soul with elfish persistence). Gimli, while residing with the elves, refuses to tell them who he really is out of embarrassment and has to make up a story accounting for why they have never heard of him. He also has to acclimate himself to elvish customs, trying not to give himself away, while sometimes slipping accidentally into his own native customs. Any embarrassing situations arising from that would be appreciated (ex: mishandling a bow and arrow, not understanding one word of elvish when being spoken to, being less than graceful while tree climbing, muttering in dwarfish, not understanding elvish courting rituals, getting into excited conversation with a group of dwarves traveling through Mirkwood, etc. be creative). By the end Gimli is turned back to his original form, but Legolas's affections still remain true. Requirements: 1) Mostly from Gimli's perspective though you want the audience to know that Legolas is extremely attracted to him; 2) Set after the fellowship has destroyed the ring (whether you want to add Legolas's craving for the sea is up to you. I personally don't see how it will work); 3) Serious story, with many funny parts of course. The elves must be the wise, ethereal creatures they are. Please don't make them airheads. I want Legolas to chase after Gimli because he is drawn to him first for his looks, then as a person. Please don't give Legolas the must-wash-hair-with-strawberry-shampoo-to-bring-out-hidden-highlights-and-wear-best-leggings-to-go-a-courting. Make him a man...err...elf deeply in love; 4) Gimli is a virgin...completely. Never kissed, never touched, and has no clue what Legolas is doing when Legolas is chasing him; 5) PG-13 rating at most. Please no graphic sex if you choose to put it in there. And if you do, it cannot be done while Gimli is in Elvish form; 6) If possible, can you use a substantial amount of elvish when Legolas addresses Gimli romantically. I get the funniest feeling two elves in love would not use the less romantic common tongue but would rather converse in their own lovely language. This would make Gimli's ignorance even more apparent and funnier; 7) Gimli, with no, or little, previous affection for Legolas other than deep friendship must learn to love Legolas as well; 8) While Legolas courts Gimli, Gimli should be EXTREMELY hesitant since he a) does not want to take advantage of the situation since he is beginning to return the feelings b) has no clue how to handle said situation since he has never been in it before c) is generally scared; 9) Try to stick to Tolkien vernacular. It is a formal, romantic, and respectful language. In the book I never saw Aragorn say 'My beautiful Arwen', nor did I see her respond 'my big powerful Ranger!'; 10) After this I want Gimli to have a new found respect for elves, as well as unconsciously begin to incorporate some of their customs into his own life.
Categories: FPS Characters: Gimli, Legolas
Summary: Legolas and Gimli are caught in a cave in. Legolas is claustrophobic and Gimli must keep his mind off of the fact that they're trapped underground until someone finds them. (Extra points for NC-17).
Categories: FPS > Legolas/Gimli, FPS, FPS > Gimli/Legolas Characters: Gimli, Legolas
Summary: Legolas is suicidal (the reason why is up to you). He manages to ignore his desire for death while on the Quest, but now that it's over he keeps trying to kill himself. He usually changes his mind when he is bleeding, but promises himself that one day he will go through with it. Gimli must save him.
Categories: FPS > Legolas/Gimli, FPS, FPS > Gimli/Legolas Characters: Gimli, Legolas
Summary: Legolas' lover leaves him and Legolas believes it's his own fault. So he punishes himself by allowing men to use him as they please. Gimli must find out and try to save him from that lifestyle.
Categories: FPS > Legolas/Gimli, FPS, FPS > Gimli/Legolas Characters: Gimli, Legolas
Summary: Gimli is abusive and Legolas is too afraid to tell anyone.
Categories: FPS > Legolas/Gimli, FPS, FPS > Gimli/Legolas Characters: Gimli, Legolas
Summary: Right before Helm's Deep. Legolas finally understands what death means and is terrified. Gimli must calm him before the battle.
Categories: FPS > Legolas/Gimli, FPS, FPS > Gimli/Legolas Characters: Gimli, Legolas
Summary: During 'The Two Towers' - Legolas and Gimli get all hot and bothered while sharing the horse Arod. They have to find some on-horse satisfaction - without being noticed by Gandalf and Aragorn riding nearby. Story or lemon, that's up to you, but it *must* include a nice bit of adoration of Legolas' legs.
Categories: FPS > Legolas/Gimli, FPS, FPS > Gimli/Legolas Characters: Gimli, Legolas
Summary: Set before FOTR. Gimly must go to Rivendell, don't care what excuse you use to get him there. Legolas must happen to be there too... in a robe that makes him look like a woman. Gimli mistakes him for a woman, tries to hit on him, Legolas has to try to convince him he is a man. Eventually Gimli must *discover* Legolas is really a man, and must try to keep distance. Legolas has to win him back. The higher the rating, the extra the points. Can be written in almost any way (But I'd rather slight comedy). The ending must be happy.
Categories: FPS > Legolas/Gimli, FPS, FPS > Gimli/Legolas Characters: Gimli, Legolas
Summary: A serial killer is targeting prostitutes in a village of men. Glorfindel is traveling home to Imladris when he meets Legolas, a young elf who (for some reason) is living among men. He is also a prostitute. Glorfindel tries to find the killer while at the same time trying convince Legolas (who loves his job) to stay off the streets. (Think of the story of Jack the Ripper).
Categories: FPS > Legolas/Glorfindel, FPS, FPS > Glorfindel/Legolas Characters: Glorfindel, Legolas
Summary: Set in Lothlorien, after many years apart Legolas and Haldir are reunited. Legolas pretends to barely know Haldir, although they were once lovers. Haldir resents this and exploits the other elf's greatest weakness: Tickling. Pref. R or higher.
Categories: FPS > Legolas/Haldir, FPS, FPS > Haldir/Legolas Characters: Haldir of Lothlórien, Legolas
Summary: In lovemaking Haldir is usually dominant over Legolas. But Legolas wants to try it the other way around. But then Legolas discovers why Haldir doesn't want it. He's just afraid because he never tried it this way. Legolas has to persuade him.
Categories: FPS > Haldir/Legolas, FPS, FPS > Legolas/Haldir Characters: Haldir of Lothlórien, Legolas
Summary: I read a few stories set at helms deep, where Haldir survived due to a bond with Éomer. In this story, I want Haldir to survive because of a bond with Legolas. He doesn't have to be bonded with Legolas beforehand, as I would like the story to evolve from friends to lovers. You could even throw in a jealous Aragorn. I realize that it has been done, but never a take on this pairing as far as I'm aware and they are the best couple in my eyes. So - Haldir/Legolas - Bond to save Haldir's Life - Jealous Aragorn (In love with Legolas?) - Tirinwe - Bond of Honor and Morgana - A mortal love These are the Éomer/Haldir versions.
Categories: FPS > Haldir/Legolas, FPS, FPS > Legolas/Haldir Characters: Haldir of Lothlórien, Legolas
Summary: Aragorn/Haleth (the boy from Helms Deep) or Aragorn/Haleth/Legolas an NC 17 but tender, first time for Haleth, before the battle of Helms Deep.
Categories: FPS Characters: Aragorn, Haleth, son of Háma, Legolas
Summary: Legolas/Haldir, Haldir/Legolas' twin. legolas has a twin,but all this time its been a secret to everyone, including his father. i dont know, maybe in childbirth, the second legolas just kinda rolled away and was picked up by some crazy elf lady that claimed him as her child, and coincidently named him legolas too. anyways, fast forward to now, legolas and haldir are together after the escape of moria in lorien. GIVE SOME HOT SEX!! and of course, legolas doesnt want to leave, but has to, so blah blha give some mushy stuff about how legolas and haldir say good bye and such, and extra points if theres any quicky sex with peeping toms!! so then a bunch of stuff happens, and pretend haldir DOESNT die at helms deep, even though in reality he didnt even go there, but i guess im going by the movie, but yeah im rambling. after the battle, haldir sees legolas adn they steel away into a corner and haldir starts putting the moves on him and all that good stuff like that *please, lots lots lots of detail!!* and they go into a room to know each otehr better. well in the mids of their fun, legolas walks into the room. yes thats right, haldir was with legolas' twin. so leggi is all sad and stuff, and it has to take a while before haldir can explain to him what acually happened, cause legolas starts to fade adn stuff, but at the last minute, as legolas is lying on his deathbed, with tears running down his face, in haldirs arms, he finds out everything that happens, and poof, hes better and they fuck again. hm...see if you could fit a threesome in there too if you want between the two legolases and haldir. youll get extra points for that. yes. HAVE FUN, AND REMEMBER, details details details. oh and the line "im your birthday cake, haldir" should be in there somewhere, just to make things a bit cheery. ok, and good luck!!
Categories: FPS > Haldir/Legolas, FPS, FPS > Legolas/Haldir Characters: Haldir of Lothlórien, Legolas

As a father, Thranduil can be a little overbearing.  Legolas constantly feels the need to be perfect and 'princely' in everything he does.  One day, while journeying about knocking off orcs for fun, he meets up with a roving group of entertainers.  

Alas!  The leading lady breaks her leg and cannot act.  (You can see where this is going, right?)  Legolas discovers there's a something perversely enjoyable about dressing up as a girl and acting on stage in the many villages of men they pass through.  Thranduil would have a fit if he ever found out!  

This goes on for many years until, one midsummer's eve, Legolas is giving a fabulous performance when who should show up but Elladan and Elrohir!

They've never met, but Legolas instantly realises who the twin peredhel are.  Legolas must make a hasty escape before he is discovered!

Unfortunately for him, the twins have seen the incredibly beautful lead 'actress' on stage and are desperate to win 'her' favour!

(Extra credit if you manage to include Elrond worrying over his sons' infatuation with a 'mortal woman')

Categories: FPS > Elladan/Elrohir/Legolas, FPS Characters: Elladan, Elrohir, Legolas
Summary: Through some wizarding accident Legolas and Orlando Bloom switch places. Orlando was in his costume so there should be a moment where he takes the wig and the pointy ears off in front of other elves to prove he's not Legolas. The only real guidelines are that Orlando and Viggo are not yet in a relationship but they both like each other, while Legolas and Aragorn have been lovers for many years now. It would be cool if there could be a scene where the actors and director find out that Legolas is Aragorn's lover not Arwen. How Legolas and Orlando explore the new worlds open to them is up to you, but at the end they must both return to their proper world and Orlando and Viggo should get together.
Categories: RPS, FPS Characters: Aragorn, Legolas, Orlando Bloom, Viggo Mortensen
Summary: Let's play 'Turn a Bottle'! (Don't ask me why they know the game. After all, this is FF) After the War of the ring, at some sought of a feast or drinking party, somebody jokingly suggest that they play the game. Not knowing what it is, out of curiosity Legolas decide to play too. All the sudden, the game turns from just a fun to a serious competition. Who gets to kiss Legolas? The numbers of times is unlimited. I want all the men, especially Faramir and Éomer in it. OC and the other elves are welcome, too. Legolas gets shocked when he finds out, but it's too late. Out of nervousness, he keeps drinking and starts to get buzzed a bit. The site of him getting flushed and his eyes watery is very alluring to anybody near him.
Categories: FPS Characters: Legolas
Summary: Legolas is being abused by his lover, but he loves him too much to leave (extra points if one of the twins tries to save him).
Categories: FPS Characters: Legolas
Summary: Legolas is forced to marry someone he does not love. He writes love letters to the one he DOES love. When his unwanted mate finds out, he punishes Legolas.
Categories: FPS Characters: Legolas
Summary: Legolas/Other. I'm not really picky, I just want to know what someone can come up with this first line: 'Legolas, your ass is glowing!' I don't care what happens, just his ass is glowing, and I mean like ET finger thingy glowing, not just took a shower shiny glowing. ^.^
Categories: FPS Characters: Legolas
Summary: Legolas/anyone. Legolas as confident, self assured, to the degree of being arrogant and haughty. Legolas is *not* always a nice guy.
Categories: FPS Characters: Legolas
Summary: Legolas/Elladan or Legolas/Elrohir. What would have happened if a young Legolas visited Rivendell and unknowingly caught both of Elrond's twin son's hearts?
Categories: FPS > Legolas/Elrohir, FPS, FPS > Elladan/Legolas, FPS > Elrohir/Legolas, FPS > Legolas/Elladan Characters: Elladan, Elrohir, Legolas
Summary: Basically a lot of Legolas action with Elladan, Elrohir, Haldir, Rumil, Celeborn, Elrond, Glorfindel and whatever elves that you can think of. Add a jealous Gimli and Aragorn. Because, not everyone can get away that! Any ending, have fun!
Categories: FPS Characters: Celeborn, Elladan, Elrohir, Elrond, Glorfindel, Haldir of Lothlórien, Legolas, Rúmil
Summary: Legolas had a twin brother who was killed when they were young children. Legolas refused to accept his brother's death and pretended he was still alive, even pretending to be his brother at times. Now, years later, Legolas suffers from multiple personality disorder. Pairings I would like to see: Legolas/Elrohir, Elrond/Thranduil, and Elladan/Glorfindel.
Categories: FPS > Thranduil/Elrond, FPS, FPS > Legolas/Elrohir, FPS > Elrohir/Legolas, FPS > Elladan/Glorfindel, FPS > Glorfindel/Elladan, FPS > Elrond/Thranduil Characters: Elladan, Elrohir, Elrond, Glorfindel, Legolas, Thranduil
Summary: There are two kinds of Mirkwood elves. One kind takes a dominant role in mating, and the other a submissive role. Which kind an elf is can be determined at birth by a birthmark. When it is mating season, those who are dominant have tests of strength and those who are submissive choose a mate. Legolas is submissive. Elves from other lands don't know about this. What happens when Elrond, the twins, and Glorfindel visit Mirkwood during mating season? What would happen if Legolas chose one of THEM?
Categories: FPS Characters: Elladan, Elrohir, Elrond, Glorfindel, Legolas
Summary: Legolas fic. Set after the ROTK. Sons of Aragorn, Faramir, and Éomer set out to go on some kind of adventure without any destination before they are forced to settle down. During the trip they get rescued by Legolas (and Gimli maybe?) who is on the way to Rivendell to meet up with Elladan, Elrohir and some other elven friends (OC welcome) to plan their own adventure. Three sons of men somehow convince (or beg) them to take them with. Three sons are in their late teens or early 20s. They are immediately infatuated with Legolas and start competing with each other over him. Legolas is not really looking for relationship, but rather likes Elladan. Elladan secretly loves Legolas. Somewhat humorous and somewhat seductive. I want Legolas to be a bit clueless about the whole 'love' thing.
Categories: FPS Characters: Elladan, Elrohir, Legolas
Summary: Legolas has been followed by an obsessed elf who refuses to take a hint that Legolas is not interested in him. He follows Legolas when he visits Rivendell. At the welcome feast Legolas realizes the elf is there, but before he can say anything, the swiftly elf introduce himself as Legolas' long-time friend (or something like that) and much to Legolas' agony, he establishes himself as a good natured, likable elf while still pursuing Legolas throughout the stay. Elladan and Legolas have feelings for each other, but are interrupted every time they try to get close. Attempted non-con, drug use (aphrodisiac, maybe?) by the obsesser.
Categories: FPS Characters: Legolas
Summary: Just Legolas with a little tattoo on him (I was thinking along the lines of his bum) that proclaims him the property of so-and-so. But Legolas doesn't know it's there. Someone put it there while he was like... sleeping or something... and someone spots it. And reports it to someone. And news spreads about the infamous tattoo and EVERYone wants to see it for themselves to believe it. And just wait until his darling Ada finds out! Any length, any pairing. And while I can't really see how this would work without being a parody of some sort, extra points if you manage it to be a serious fic!
Categories: FPS Characters: Legolas
Summary: Legolas spends a lot of his childhood in Rivendell becomes very close to the twins (Elladan and Elrohir). Then he have to go back home for whatever the reason (sorry you have make it up) after so many years past (long enough for him to reach his majority), he comes back to visit his best friends(twins!) and to attend the feast as a crown prince of Mirkwood. Twins are headed toward the gate to greet the prince wondering about Legolas. When they finally meet the prince, they become completely mesmerized by how strikingly beautiful he's grown up to be. Things that should happen in this story: Twins' attraction towards Legolas with lots of flirtation. In fact, I want pretty much everybody to flirt with Legolas whether he like it or not. Since they are having a feast, there should be enough elves there. A bit of archery scene to show that Legolas isn't just a pretty face. Lots of competition and jealousy among elves. Eventually a romance between the twins and Legolas. Ratings: R or above? It depends on you!
Categories: FPS > Elladan/Elrohir/Legolas, FPS Characters: Elladan, Elrohir, Legolas
Summary: I would like to read a fic about Legolas where he is with one of Elrond's twins and the other twin is jealous of his brother. Doesn't matter which twin he is with or ends up with, but I was thinking Elrohir. No preference for rating, though I'd like to see at least a little action. Angsty is okay but don't make it too depressing.
Categories: FPS Characters: Legolas
Summary: Legolas/Male Elf. Legolas falls in love for the first time. He and his partner are meant for one another, they adore each other and soon they are engaged. Nice and simple. But... Legolas doesn't know he's male. He thinks he's a girl and so does everyone else, except the people who were there at his birth (inc Thranduil). For some strange reason (your choice) he's been told he's a girl all his life so far, and no one has ever shown him elf anatomy. So when Legolas tells his dad that he's getting engaged Thranduil realizes he's got to tell Legolas. But how's the fiancÉ going to take it? The fiancÉ has to be mentioned in the books e.g. Haldir, Elladan, Elrohir. I'd prefer it if it was serious, not humor. Rating: again, up to you.
Categories: FPS Characters: Legolas
Summary: A sort of 'enslaving Legolas' by Elrond (mainly) and Aragorn, serious story and character analysis... It should be starts like this: AU universe, in a battle against Orcs, an elf, old friend of Elrond, is killed by Legolas' father, 'cause of his gross negligence. Elrond pretends a payment for that and the Mirkwood king offers his young son as a slave for some years. So Elrond starts training that shy and stubborn beauty, (with Aragorn's help), keeping him locked in his own chambers, at his personal service and for his pleasure, as a sort of 'a life for a life' revenge. Have you ever noticed how superb Elrond seems sometimes? Compare him to Gandalf: the wizard has wisdom and his rare rage is well motivated and controlled; the elf sometimes snaps nervous as his wisdom needs some improvement. Maybe a dignified young elf would teach him the value of humility, sense of duty and forgiveness. Rigid discipline, bdsm, angst, (non)consensual, introspection, drama, slash...but please a happy end:).......
Categories: FPS Characters: Aragorn, Elrond, Legolas
Summary: Possibly NC-17, a little bit of BDSM thrown in. Hormonal elf, innocent hobbit corrupted and a displeased ranger. Set at the beginning of the fellowship. The nine companions start their long journey in Rivendell. Friendships haven't developed yet, they just start to get to know each other better (aside from those that knew each other before, of course). My main character would be Legolas. Set at the beginning of the fellowship. The nine companions start their long journey in Rivendell. Friendships haven't developed yet, they just start to get to know each other better (aside from those that knew each other before, of course). My main character would be Legolas. (I know there is too much elf slash out there for some - and not enough for others - so be patient with me.) From my point of view, he's young for an elf. Barely considered an adult, little less than an teenager, which shows in his behavior. He's lot more cheerful, but also more immature than in the films. And - like human adolescents - he's sometimes insecure, sometimes overconfident in his abilities (or about his body)... and his head is full of thoughts of elven superiority. But dear Legolas faces a serious problem. His hormones are driving him up the wall, so to speak with no way to find release. Well, amongst his people this wouldn't be a problem. Though elven society believes reproduction is the privilege of joined couples, they are a lot more openminded. After all elves don't deny pleasure, they embrace it and it's quite common among agegroups of the same sex to experiment when coming of age and discovering the joys of the flesh. Were Legolas to undertake a quest like the journey to Mordor in the company of fellow elves, he would simply seek their company. No shame, just mutual pleasure. But he knows that man doesn't see it that way... has been taught, that dwarfs even loath such pleasures (besides, we're talking about *dwarfs*... all hairy and smelly... what pleasure could he find with one of them anyway? ;-) ) and he has no idea how hobbits handle such things. Doing it himself gives him a little peace but he needs more. Wants more. Aragorn should understand his predicament, having lived amongst elves for a long time. But the ranger ignores his shy glances and probing coincidental touches. He seems not interested at all. Having to face this, Legolas decides to turn his eyes to some other member of the fellowship. Gandalf surely knows, making eye contact, there is an amused sparkel in his eyes and he shakes his head. A shame Legolas values the age and wisdom of Mithrandir but if the elder man refuses there is no way he will be able to change his mind.. Boromir? To be honest Legolas doesn't care for him very much. He seems so angry all the time. Never does he relax around them. The dwarf is out of the question... but what about the hobbits? Curiously he starts watching them. They seem to be very close. Laughing, touching... One of them keeps a little more to himself. The ringbearer seems to be the most serious amongst them. Every now and then there is a grave look on his youthful face. He seems too preoccupied to bother, taking his mind of fighting the power of the ring and their mission to destroy it might endanger their goal – making it even impossible. Pity, his youthful features have an elven quality, missing the lines of age. The power of the ring, Legolas has been told, but he likes to look at those eternal youthful features. The elf concentrates on the other hobbits. Two of them are inseparable. But the third.... Samwise Gamgee. Peculiar name, unusual to elven ears, as is its bearer. Legolas studies him for quite some time. Fortunately he's fascinated by all things elven. And not just things, Legolas hopes! A plan begins to form in his mind. Arranging that he gets the watch before Sam when they camp one evening, he eagerly waits. Finishing his watch, he wakes Sam. A tired Sam gets up and the elf tells him he's willing to keep him company. After all, he doesn't need as much sleep as humans do - and they might get to know each other better since they are travelling together. Sam, of course, is delighted. They talk a little bit about hobbits and elves, Legolas answering questions but stirring the conversation towards more intimate themes. Telling him about the custom among his people that elves of the same sex and age wouldn't be shocked if asked to be... of intimate service. Sam stares surprised saying that he doesn't see why they shouldn't -elves being all beautiful, sensual and obviously more openminded etc., but that a respectable hobbit would never dare asking something of that nature. Well, to cut a long story short, the elf seduces Sam into giving him...a hand... (*lol* Personally I'd like to see Sam actually rather giving head than hand ;-) but I won't limit potential authors that much... I get the feeling this 'bunny' is a full grown lagomorph already). Needless to say, he enjoys himself, actually both of them ... but Legolas doesn't waste a thought on Sam. He's a hobbit after all... a helpful hobbit, but Legolas doesn't feel obliged to return the favor. (When you think about it Hobbits are funny creatures, beautiful hair... but too much in the wrong places... and their ears look rather ..coarse. No, he couldn't be expected to... *shudder*) Tired and relax he sends the poor - still unfulfilled hobbit away, promising to take his watch. Needless to say Sam doesn't find much sleep. But he won't have to suffer for long! This is were the discipline part comes in and you - that is: every one willing to accept the challange -come in. Aragorn, being a ranger has the eyes and ears of a lynx (sorry, this is how I'd say it in german, I'm not sure to which animal good eyesight and ears would be compared in English). And he doesn't like the behavior of this elf one bit. Getting up, he mentions to follow him a little of the camp. He takes Legolas to task. Legolas claims to be innocent, having done no wrong in the eyes of his people. Aragorn frowns. "After all he didn't ask. How should I know...." the elf defends his actions. Unfortunately, the ranger has been awake for quite some time. "HE told you himself, he would never ask for it. And if you didn't notice he has been as aroused as you were, than those elven senses are highly overestimated and your company is no use to this fellowship." Harsh words, and they hit home. Legolas get a really bad conscience. Aragorn, intending to teach the snobbish and irresponcible young elf a much needed lesson, disciplines him. (No, I won't specify this any more, this is entirely up to you and I guess you have a fertile imagination.) Then he sends the sobbing elf to apologize to Sam - and to return the favor. (Bonus points if this discipline scene is - out of sight but - in hearing range of the camp and, though the elf knows his companions will be able to hear him if he makes too much noise, to his own humiliation, he can't keep completely silent. Reactions of the listeners could range from: 'Someone is in trouble... Help, Legolas and Aragorn are missing, must be them, we have to find them!' to Sam, knowing exactly what is going on and finding himself embarrassingly aroused by the thought that Legolas is punished on his account.
Categories: FPS Characters: Legolas
Summary: Legolas is a Prince under the tight reign of his father. Though he is not expected to marry and he is considered strictly off limits by all the elves. Even though many think he is very beautiful, they fear the wrath of his father. The king loves his son very much and thinks he is doing the best thing for him. He doesn't realize that Legolas is very depressed and lonely, despite his attempt to make him happy. However, Legolas falls in love with one of his devoted bodyguards, Boromir, who is one of the few men that the King trusts. Thanks a lot.
Categories: FPS Characters: Legolas
Summary: Legolas/any elf (I'd prefer Elrond or Glorfindel) Legolas/Orcs. Legolas has been cruelly abandoned by his father during an Orc raid. A hundred years later, abused and brainwashed into believing he's an Orc he is captured by Noldor elves during a battle. Not knowing who he really is yet the Noldor elves try to rehabilitate him and one of the elves fall in love with him. Possible flashbacks to his past during his childhood and his time with the Orcs. Eventually his Orc owner and/or father show up demanding his return. Possible mpreg with either the Orc (miscarriage) or elf lover.
Categories: FPS Characters: Legolas
Summary: Legolas/Haldir (preferably) or Legolas/Aragorn. Or both!! Must include Elrond, his twins and Legolas's father, King Thranduil. Must have someone say 'Some day over the rainbow' Must have Haldir and Legolas burst into caramelized sugar pieces (but they have to come back) Must include a birdhouse somewhere Someone must say 'Pickles with sour cream sauce in the lake on a winter's day, in the snow please' And Haldir has to run into a brick wall. Aragorn has to run into a tree. Lord Elrond must fall into horse poop. Elrohir has to get shot with an arrow in the butt. And in the end everybody must be completely swooning over Legolas. And I'm totally wrecking LOTR universe when I say the King Thranduil has to turn into a mouse and only a magical kiss will change him back. Oh yes, and when King Thranduil finally gets changed back, someone must say, 'Well, you were an ugly beast anyway. I prefer you as a mouse'
Categories: FPS Characters: Aragorn, Haldir of Lothlórien, Legolas
Summary: I find myself disillusioned with Gene Roddenberry, having thought he created a great deal of the reality of the Vulcans. But through the similarities of Vulcans and Elves I see so much potential for writing. I would love to see a fic where elves, Legolas primarily, go though the ponfar (sp?) of the Vulcans. I want to see him in heat, and probably at the worst possible times. Rate it up as far as you want and mpreg floats my boat, although not necessary for story.
Categories: FPS Characters: Legolas
Summary: Before the quest, Legolas is raped by a dwarf (not Gimli). How will he deal with traveling with one when the Fellowship is formed?
Categories: FPS Characters: Legolas
Summary: Legolas disappears during the battle of Helm's Deep. One year later, Gimli finds him in a town of Men. Legolas is a pleasure slave and Gimli must save him. (Extra points for Mpreg).
Categories: FPS Characters: Gimli, Legolas
Summary: Legolas is a rape survivor. Someone (your choice) is in love with him but don't know about the rape. Legolas returns this person's feelings but is afraid to get close to anyone. Legolas MUST be afraid of physical contact.
Categories: FPS Characters: Legolas
Summary: The Fellowship are captured (after Moria but before Lothlorien). Legolas taken to a different cell and the rest of the Fellowship have to listen to his screams as he is raped. After they escape, a member of the Fellowship takes care of Legolas. Pairing is your choice. Extra points for graphic rape. Extra points (and a plate of Lembas) if the person who takes care of him, doesn't heal him with sex. Sex is the LAST thing Legolas will want after being raped.
Categories: FPS Characters: Legolas
Summary: In Rivendell, the Fellowship plays a game of truth or dare. The questions and dares are really silly and innocent until Boromir and Legolas end up having to snog (Aragorn getting jealous). Then they end up in an empty room and things progress from there... R/NC17 if possible.
Categories: FPS > Boromir/Legolas, FPS, FPS > Legolas/Boromir Characters: Boromir, Legolas
Summary: I am searching for a story involving someone from present time being thrust backwards through time to middle earth during the brief 2 centuries before the war of the ring. In this setting I would like for the person cast from the future to meet Legolas on his way to Imladris. It could turn out that this person was in fact Boromir reborn, just to add a certain twist to it. as everyone knows Legolas won't actually meet the real Boromir till the council of Elrond and obviously the future version of Boromir will die long before that happens, so only Legolas will know the truth... perhaps a prayer he made to the Valar to reunite with his beloved which had been granted, only to have him cruelly slain by orcs and his last breath released in Aragorn's arms. perhaps a rivalry between Legolas and Aragorn could start from this tragedy? then... love?
Categories: FPS > Legolas/Boromir, FPS, FPS > Boromir/Legolas Characters: Boromir, Legolas
Summary: Not your mushy romantic kind of elf love, I want to read a more PASSIONATE lusty desire between them. Prefer NC17.
Categories: FPS > Legolas/Celeborn, FPS, FPS > Celeborn/Legolas Characters: Celeborn, Legolas
Summary: Legolas/Celeborn, a woefully ignored pairing. When the Fellowship arrives in Lothlorien, Galadriel cannot see into Legolas' mind properly, almost as if he can shield himself from her. She is suspicious and so sends Celeborn on a discreet mission to discover if Legolas is a danger. Yet it is Legolas who discovers something first; he had no idea he possessed this shielding ability and protests his innocence. Celeborn is doubting and becomes fixated upon finding out the young elf's past. But why, oh why, is he being so careful when he reports back to Galadriel about what goes on in his meetings with Legolas, and is avoiding her; almost as if he were hiding something... Rating, content, incorporation of other characters (perhaps Gimli in terms of canon) all up to author.
Categories: FPS > Legolas/Celeborn, FPS, FPS > Celeborn/Legolas Characters: Celeborn, Legolas
Summary: Since Aragorn's marriage to Arwen, a broken-hearted Legolas has wandered the lands of middle earth, not quite wanting to leave, let seemingly having no reason to stay. He is finally persuaded to return to Aragorn's court in order to tutor the 20 year old Prince Eldarion in the arts of archery. He arrives, with great pain in his heart at seeing Aragorn once more, the man he loves and can never have. Yet, he takes pleasure in the company of the young Eldarion who reminds him of Estel as a young man. Eldarion for his part falls madly in love with the beautiful Legolas and pursues him ardently, until Legolas gives in and lets himself fall in love with Eldarion. But how does Aragorn feel about this? NB in this Universe, Eldarion has inherited immortality and lots of Elvish ways from his mother's kin. I would like this to have a happy ending for L/E but see what you think.
Categories: FPS > Legolas/Eldarion, FPS, FPS > Eldarion/Legolas Characters: Eldarion, Legolas
Summary: It's after RotK. Thranduil has left for the west and Legolas is now King of Mirkwood. Legolas has just realized he loves Elrond as more than just a father figure, and Elrond soon finds that Legolas helps feel the void of Celebrían's departure. But Elrond is scared to show his feelings for Legolas, not knowing Legolas feels the same. Legolas has gone to visit Rivendell, and while there a dark elf (they exist in this for the plot of the story) witch shows up spouting nonsense about Legolas demise. Legolas gets stabbed by a dark elves sword or arrow and starts to become a dark elf himself. Elrond and Legolas get together because Elrond saves him from going into the dark. Things needed for story: 1. The Dark Elf Witch has to speak in third person. 2. She must say 'When a King has gone to the west, the one who rules in his place will be taken to the dark. His heart pierced by a dark point. Five days he shall have, before he is lost. When the sun sets on that fifth day, to the dark he shall belong. But before he may be saved, only by true love's kiss.' This has to be the prophecy! 3. A dark elf has black hair, red eyes, blue tinted skin, and cries tears of blood. 4. Legolas must be in pure agony while going through the transformation. Right before the sun sets, Elrond hears a whispering in the back of his mind telling him to love him (Legolas) protect him. Legolas also hears a voice telling him to cherish him (Elrond). Elrond kisses him and Legolas is saved. But it doesn't have to end there. You can draw it out and they can not get together right then. It's up to the author.
Categories: FPS > Elrond/Legolas, FPS, FPS > Lindir/Elrond Characters: Elrond, Legolas
Summary: I would like to see a good nc-17 fic of Legolas and an Ent.
Categories: FPS Characters: Ent, Legolas
Summary: Because the random pairing generator wills it so.
Categories: FPS > Legolas/Éomer, FPS, FPS > Éomer/Legolas Characters: Éomer, Legolas
Summary: Somebody should do a Legolas/Erestor slash story that would be cool!
Categories: FPS > Erestor/Legolas, FPS, FPS > Legolas/Erestor Characters: Erestor, Legolas