Name: Kenya (Signed) · Date: May 15, 2014 11:38 am · For: The King in the Tower of Wolves

I have no words ... Unbelievably good! I cried often, especially at the end

Name: sebastiandragon (Anonymous) · Date: January 17, 2014 03:26 pm · For: The King in the Tower of Wolves

"Thy eye sees many things, but ignores those of us that seem insignificant. Someday that blindness will cause thy downfall" - hell yeah. Wise Luthien.
I'm so glad to have a sequel to read and a one which has a lot of Sauron in it.
Poor Finrod, giving himself up to Sauron.
And Sauron had wittingly caught him with the goblets.
Great to read, thank you!

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