Ely Sinar, El Sila by Adunaphel

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Story notes: Warning: It's short and crap!

Authors Note: Sorry It's short (and sorry it's crap!) but this is my first attempt at h/c and the boilers been giving off Carbon monoxide all week and has now been turned off by the gasboard so the house is freezing :(
Please cheer me up by sending feedback :) Yay!
Haldir, sat with his back to a mallorn tree staring out, deep in thought, a few days previously the fellowship minus Mithrandir had passed through the golden wood. He thought of Mithrandir and smiled, the wood had been full of laments for him. Haldir thought of these and was sad. He was so deep in thought that he did not notice Celeborn, lord of the Golden Wood, approaching him, and it was only when a surprise kiss was placed on his lips that Haldir was brought back to Middle Earth.

"My Lord!" Exclaimed Haldir.

"Come Haldir, you know you enjoyed it really " Celeborn smiled.

Haldir beamed back. "Well I hope you enjoy this my lord" Haldir replied, kissing Celeborn fully on the lips while caressing the tip of his ear.

Haldir finally drew away and dropped his hand quickly,

'What was he thinking? He was kissing the lord of the golden wood where anyone could see and the lady was probably watching in her mirror'

"I am sorry my lord"

"Why Haldir? I am not sorry at all for what happened."

"Y-y-you're not?"

"No Haldir, not at all."

"B-b-but the lady?"

"Haldir, I have never told anyone this, but there has been no love between the lady and me for centuries now, she has her lovers and I will have mine."

"My Lord I..."


"Yes my lord?"

"What were you thinking about when I disturbed you?"

"Mithrandir" He replied softly.

"Yes.... I had a crush on him when I was younger" The older elf replied equally as soft.

"I err I always had a crush on you" Haldir admitted, blushing.

Haldir started to kiss Celeborn again, but he drew away. Haldir flinched, in fear

"I'm sorry.."

"Hush Haldir, come let us go to my room we will not be disturbed.

Haldir silently obeyed.
Chapter end notes: AN: I would like to apologize for the crumminess of the above story and it's shortness :( Sorry. Send all flames to me, (any emails to fill my currently empty inbox :( thanx luv AD)
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