Impossible Circumstances by Syndarys

The following morning the fellowship were awoken to the sound of Legolas throwing up again, which as you can probably imagine, just isnt the most plesent way to wake up. Merry rolled over and looked at Legolas, who was hunched over leaning against a pillar, while emptying his stomach onto the floor in the same place he had the day before.

"Bah, all that food gone to waste! If I'd known you were just gonna throw it up afterward Legolas, I'd never have made you any!" the young Hobbit moaned sleepily at him.

Legolas finally stopped making lovely wretching sounds, and went back to sit with the fellowship as they packed their stuff away before continuing the journey.

Before long, after just one stop to let Legolas throw up again, they made it to Balin's tomb.

"Huh, dead dwarves," Legolas said as he glanced around the room. As Gimli was mourning, and Gandalf was reading from the journal, Legolas became faintly aware of a dull thumping sound. He passed it off as it just being himself - maybe he was developing a headache? Of course, once the dull thumping sound turned into what sounded like a teenager bashing hell out of a drum kit, he decided that it was definately not him.

"Uhm, guys... whats that sound?" he asked, turning to everyone else.

The rest of the fellowship, now fully aware of the beating of the drums ran to the door, and began to baracade it. Unfortunately, cave troll + wooden door = door in tiny splinters.

Goblins began to pour into the room, and the fellowship fought them off as best they could.

Legolas however, due to his supposedly impossible situation, soon had another mood swing. Quite a violent one, too.

Legolas gave out a battle cry that sounded more like the battle cry of one of the Orcs, and tore through the offending goblins in a blind rage, firing arrows at point blank range into their heads, his hormonaly induced fury making short work of servents of Sauron. The rest of the fellowship stood back and watched him in awe as the adreneline rush over too him, and he fought to the limit.

Aragorn turned to the rest of the group, "Remind me not to get into an argument with him while he's pregnant," he winced as he turned; it seemed Legolas might have broken one of his ribs, "definately no more fights..."

The rest of the fellowship just sniggered at him.

After Legolas had dispatched a good few dozen Orcs, they stopped attacking him, and instead, ran for it. Now, as any smart person would know, when scary things get scared, something really bad's gonna happen.

Legolas raised an eyebrow at the retreating goblins before running over to the rest of the fellowship and asking, "What are you staring at? Lets GO people - move it!" He ushered them out the door, and broke into a run away from whatever had scared the Orcs.

A while later, still in Moria, at the Bridge of Kazad-dum.

"Gandalf! Hurry up!" cried out Frodo, as the Wizard stopped in the middle of the bridge.

Gandalf turned to face the Balrog that approached. "You shall not pass!" he cried out, as he crashed his staff down upon the bridge, breaking it infront of him. The Balrog fell into the shadow. But as Gandalf let down his guard, and began to turn away, the Balrog's whip lashed up and grabbed a hold of the Wizard's legs, pulling him over the edge and into the shadow with him. "Fly, you fools!" he called out.

The fellowship stood in shock for what seemed like minutes, but was in reality only a few seconds. Then, Aragorn grabbed a hold of Frodo, and dragged him along outside. The rest of the fellowship soon followed.

Legolas sat and began to cry - yet another mood swing taking charge of his emotions.

"It's not fair," he mumbled, hugging Frodo tightly.

"I know Legolas, we're all upset over losing Gandalf," Frodo comforted the poor Elf.

"No, it's not that," Legolas whimpered.

Frodo arched an eyebrow, "What is it then?"

"I havent got any food left," Legolas then burst into more tears, and began blowing his nose on the Hobbits sleeve.
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