Don't Fade Away by Ilye


Summary: Second in the "Kindred Spirits" trilogy. Elrond notices something troubling Legolas, who is falling ill. Only the touch of a certain someone helps...
Rating: Restricted Audience [Reviews - 0]
Category: FPS, FPS > Aragorn/Legolas, FPS > Elrond/Glorfindel, FPS > Glorfindel/Elrond, FPS > Legolas/Aragorn
Characters: Aragorn, Elrond, Glorfindel, Legolas
Type: Romance/Drama
Warning: Angst
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapter: 41 | Completed: Yes | Words: 66593 | Read: 28574
Published: August 01, 2012 | Updated: August 01, 2012

Story notes: Takes place after the Quest, mainly in Rivendell. Everything is the same as in the book, save maybe a few things which have happened between Legolas and Aragorn, and were cunningly omitted by Mr. Tolkien (we grovel at your feet, sir!) There will be slash in later scenes, with a good deal of angst and lemon thrown in for good measure; I know how you guys love it! Right, on with the story...

Kindred Spirits trilogy: In Lieu of Love, Don't Fade Away, (Elf on a Hot Tin Roof), The Saving Grace.

1. Chapter 1. Fading Into Realisation by Ilye [Reviews - 0] (1130 words)

2. Chapter 2. Contemplation by Ilye [Reviews - 0] (1062 words)

3. Chapter 3. Sleepless Reflections by Ilye [Reviews - 0] (1134 words)

4. Chapter 4. Caught Red Footed by Ilye [Reviews - 0] (1655 words)

5. Chapter 5. Miscommunications by Ilye [Reviews - 0] (876 words)

6. Chapter 6. Shock Tactics by Ilye [Reviews - 0] (1916 words)

7. Chapter 7. Without Consideration by Ilye [Reviews - 0] (1079 words)

8. Chapter 8. Declarations by Ilye [Reviews - 0] (1445 words)

9. Chapter 9. Many Awakenings by Ilye [Reviews - 0] (1888 words)

10. Chapter 10. Confirmation Of Fears by Ilye [Reviews - 0] (2262 words)

11. Chapter 11. Under False Pretences by Ilye [Reviews - 0] (1654 words)

12. Chapter 12. From Strength to Strength... by Ilye [Reviews - 0] (3046 words)

13. Chapter 13. Guardian Angels by Ilye [Reviews - 0] (1317 words)

14. Chapter 14. Breaking News by Ilye [Reviews - 0] (1562 words)

15. Chapter 15. Great Expectations by Ilye [Reviews - 0] (1918 words)

16. Chapter 16. Don't Shoot the Messenger by Ilye [Reviews - 0] (1757 words)

17. Chapter 17. Above Ground... by Ilye [Reviews - 0] (1378 words)

18. Chapter 18. Springing Surprises by Ilye [Reviews - 0] (1243 words)

19. Chapter 19. Impossible Sacrifices by Ilye [Reviews - 0] (1013 words)

20. Chapter 20. Changing Minds by Ilye [Reviews - 0] (1382 words)

21. Chapter 21. Angel Song by Ilye [Reviews - 0] (1723 words)

22. Chapter 22. Enchanting Emotions by Ilye [Reviews - 0] (1628 words)

23. Chapter 23. Cold Tears by Ilye [Reviews - 0] (1356 words)

24. Chapter 24. A Brief Respite by Ilye [Reviews - 0] (1311 words)

25. Chapter 25. A Little Help Unwinding... by Ilye [Reviews - 0] (1566 words)

26. Chapter 26. Hatching Plans by Ilye [Reviews - 0] (1087 words)

27. Chapter 27. Are You Listening? by Ilye [Reviews - 0] (2092 words)

28. Chapter 28. Untold Secrets by Ilye [Reviews - 0] (2309 words)

29. Chapter 29. Curiosity Killed the King by Ilye [Reviews - 0] (1583 words)

30. Chapter 30. Running Scared by Ilye [Reviews - 0] (1045 words)

31. Chapter 31. Blood Is Thicker Than Water by Ilye [Reviews - 0] (2243 words)

32. Chapter 32. In Cold Blood... by Ilye [Reviews - 0] (1224 words)

33. Chapter 33. Persistence by Ilye [Reviews - 0] (1995 words)

34. Chapter 34. Follow Your Heart by Ilye [Reviews - 0] (1710 words)

35. Chapter 35. It's a Start... by Ilye [Reviews - 0] (2203 words)

36. Chapter 36. Phoenix From the Flames by Ilye [Reviews - 0] (2829 words)

37. Chapter 37. Inner Children by Ilye [Reviews - 0] (1568 words)

38. Chapter 38. Starlight by Ilye [Reviews - 0] (2200 words)

39. Chapter 39. And So To Bed... by Ilye [Reviews - 0] (2512 words)

40. Chapter 40. Don't Look Back by Ilye [Reviews - 0] (1294 words)

41. Epilogue by Ilye [Reviews - 0] (398 words)