Every Breath by Himring

[Reviews - 2]


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Story notes:

Two short monologues (a bit like a duet, although obviously there is no music), rather than a dialogue.

Chapter notes:

In terms of my Maedhros series, this is pre-slash, but it can be read independently and then could be read as bromance or slash, whichever you prefer.


I am beholden to you in every breath I take. They call me ungrateful--do not know I battle to keep breathing.
Although you cut me free, I am tied, might sink under the weight of my obligation, but choose the tie that holds me up and breathe for you.


Were you but free! I saved you at great cost, yet ask no recompense but this: keep breathing.  You lean too lightly against me, let me hold you up! Let who will talk of ingratitude--I will deny all obligation and be beholden to you for every breath you take.

Chapter end notes:

Written for a LOTR Community drabble challenge on LJ on the subject of gratitude. The prompt was: beholden.

Word count: 100 (2 x 50) according to Word.

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