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I have managed to save the last chapters for today, because I have a whole free afternoon. Oh Valar... Thranduil in a foul temper is absolutely great and believable; we discover more about the relationship between Anoriel and her mother; and Celbrian... I was starting to like her!! How could she... how...?? She was proud of her intelligence? Proud of what?? She didn't even understood who was the elf her husband had always loved!
I'm re-reading the very first chapters and I noticed that everything is linked, every single word has a precise meaning for the plot... and I was almost in tears when I read of Erestor confessing that he had always liked Elrond (well, we actually knew it, but he never said anything...), because I had just translated their first sunset together (ok, the depressing music didn't help, but really... reading The Consequences of a Sunset after A Midnight Meeting is an astonishing experience)
Oh my god, I feel so sorry for poor Galadriel....what is this? Valar are cruel to treat her like this!
This is the most beautiful chapter in the Song of sunset so far...I finally understand the reason why you call the story by that name. Elrond's explanation is the perfect one.
You do blending the subplots so well. Erestor, i feel sorry for him. I feel sorry for everyone.
I feel like killing Celebrian for raping Erestor! It is so cruel, not elven at all! But i loved the way you describe Erestor in passion....
Wow, Thranduil is one noble elf! He's so willing to let his beloved go....Galadriel and Celeborn, those two are hopeless, I mean they are too proud! But they love each other too much....
Well, Ered beat me to chapters....But I am here now!
I love Erestor and Thranduil meeting in the mountains. You have made them both dashing, less worried about stuff than Elrond... And the banter, wow, that's so cool..You do friendships very well...
Thran and Anoriel are the sweetest couple ever. They are perfect together, they comfort me. And we know an heir will come, sooner or later...
Again, poor Elrond.
One of the best chapters ever. I was almost sceaming thinking about how much time Elrond's love has been wasted, and how stupid has been Erestor not understanding it. And how sweet is to hear loving words from Erestor... and how nice is his meeting with Thranduil... and... ok, I'll stop now.
Ah! lovelegollas, this time I'm the first to review! :-P
Your story is creation of beauty in words....each character is born in and around. it is written in most beautiful, impressive and effective.. the sucess of your story is determined by how much the reader feels happy by reading it.
P.S. I agree with lovelegollas: the way you stick to the canon is simply astonishing.
P.P.S. lovelegollas' question made me think... I've been convinced from the beginning that there was going to be a happy ending, but I'm starting to give in to despair. I feel what Elrond must feel, I think.
You're great. One moment I hate Galadriel for the troubles she put everyone in, the following I'm sorry for her.
And... guess what I'm going to say? Yes, as usual, good chapter!
Very very nice. Galadriel is so brave... and Celeborn... I don't know what to think about him. Whereas, I perfectly know what to think about Erestor: he's a noble soul, a fascinating, handsome Elf, and one of the best characters.
Isn't you alone, 'Bria is attracted to Erestor... and who wouldn't be?
Elrond is behaving childishly, I thought he could be wiser. But I can understand him.
lovelegollas, if you keep teasing about your beating me, I'll be forced to challenge you to defend my honour ;-)
Eheh, Tharanduil is lovely.
P.S. I know i made the first review to the other chapter... I'm so untidy, sorry.
Yeeeeeees!!! New chapters!!! I love you! And I love this sotry... you have no idea of how much. I'm not in the mood for long reviews, I just wanted to tell you that this chapter is great.
How do you manage to go back and forth in time so easily? I mean the way Galadriel thinks of Finrod's death in the dungeons of Sirion! Wow, you are one stickler for canon!
I am in love with all the characters by now. Even Galadriel...Any hope of a happy ending?
Ah! Cel's attracted to Erestor definitely. Great emotional picturisation, one of the best things about your writing is that!
Poor Galadriel, I never thought I'll feel kinds sorry for her.
Noble Erestor....I mean he is trying to make Cel happy. And Elrond is frustrated, I guess. I will be in his place by now...
And poor Cel too, she's in a tough position, is it me alone thinking or is Cel attracted to Erestor???
Great chapter. as always!
Ooh! One more pairing Amroth/Nimrodel...delicious. I feel so sorry for Erestor, Elrond and Cel. They are trapped....
I beat Ered to the chapters, Ha!
A great beginning. Elrond and Erestor are again in despair. it is not gonna be easy for them, is it? Thranduil and Anoriel make a great pairing