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The title of the chapter made me increase my courage before I read it. Oh, this chapter was one of those I truly cried. I think after Reforging, this was the most heartwrenching chapter. I had started hoping that Anoriel and Thranduil would be happy.
1. “Don’t drop him”, she scolded him, “Thranduil and I worked so hard, you know!” This made me hope that angst wouldnt come. Should have known you better, you twisted writer!
2. She closed her eyes and whispered a prayer to Mandos, the prayer of Miriel Serinde, the Broidress of the Noldor, as the orc leered at her. OH, I did even dream of that ending. You once again managed to upturn all my predictions
3. Thranduil and Erestor talking that night. It captured their grief very well.
4. Celeborn looking as Thranduil made that vow again by the pyre.
5.“The odd thing was, however much I grieved at losing her, as she left me with an year old elfling in my hands, I did not regret loving her…”, Oropher mussed his son’s hair lovingly. I loved your Oropher...
6. As Always Galadriel gets the last word...And she excels there.
“He is so handsome”, Galadriel whispered almost inaudibly.
Valar, those two are too much in love with each other! But the five real reasons why I loved this great chappie was:
1. Celebrian and Galadriel conversation : not too sentimentally forgiving..not too harsh. It made out the two women as the strong characters they are
2. thranduil and elladan talking! That was a masterpiece of a dialogue. Poor Elladan!
“She is also my subject”, Thranduil said blandly, “So I can introduce you better to Anoriel, daughter of King Amdir, Princess of Lothlorien, Queen of Greenwood and my bonded-mate. I don’t think you noticed the wedding band on her finger.”
3. The scene where Haldir saw Elrond and Erestor together. They try to be so discreet and there are a lot of situations so far where I have seen them trying to spare other's feelings.
4. That conversation by the lakeside. As I had expected, the four of them together are a always when you write them. Elladan's suspicions, HAldir trying to make Celebrian understand...
5. The Erestor--Cirdan talk..It was one of the most heartwarming pieces of the Song Of Sunset.
“I am proud of you, pen-neth”, Cirdan sighed as he reached out to touch the robe-clad shoulder, “And I shall stand by you whatever you do.”
Erestor’s eyes betrayed his uncertainty as he said quietly, “You would not speak so easily if you knew what doom I have wrought upon myself.”
“I know”, Cirdan said simply, “Elrond has lost much. As have you. Find your happiness together when you can. That will give you the courage to face the end.”
Cirdan's usual reserved nature and lack of interest in elven society made us think he was not a person wiith emotions. But this scene made it change. One of the best things I love is that you are forever bringing forward relationships and new subplots, all of which we had never suspected at all.
“Cirdan left before me, he was eager to see Thranduil and Erestor as soon as possible”, Gildor said informatively.
“That is fine”, Elrond joined them, “I, for one, don’t miss him.”
That line was so Elrondish...just the plain fact!
“Do you miss the lands from where you were exiled?” Elladan blurted out, then bit his lips. He had been warned by both Elrond and Erestor many a time that he should not ask Glorfindel of Valinor.
“I regret nothing”, Glorfindel said coldly as he moved his horse forwards to catch up with Elrond.
Oh your poor characters lie so much to hide the truth!
“ADA!” the twins shouted as Erestor walked into the glade accompanied by a golden-haired, handsome elf.
Elrond flinched and Erestor stopped walking. Celeborn was looking shell-shocked. Galadriel looked worried as she walked to her husband’s side.
The twins are gonna have a major shock when they know the truth, aren't they? Can't wait to see how you will write that chapter!
The twins trying to guess Elrond's is funny and at the same time tense. Keeps one on alert. And Thranduil, Elrond, Erestor, Gildor and Glorfindel are together...good, good! This is gonna make a great day, have the feeling.
“We shall prevail, Altariel”, he said with quiet conviction, “You shall be absolved and we shall step onto the lands of your birth together. This I promise, by all that I hold dear.” touching...Oh my, it is the MARRIAGE!
Green eyes met green eyes and the babe smiled at its father. Thranduil had never seen anyone look upon him with such unmeasured, vulnerable trust. A soft green leaf fell down from the trees above them as if in benediction.
“Born under the forest, under the trees, under the skies”, Thranduil whispered as the green leaf rested on the elfling’s quivering chest, “Hope, love, strength and trust you shall be to our people. I will name you our green leaf”, he reached down to touch the leaf on the child’s chest, “Laiqualesse. Legolas Thranduillion.”
It is the perfect way to introduce the prince...AH! LOVELY< LOVELY< LOVELY
And the conversation btwn Erestor, Thranduil. Anoriel and Thalion. it was one of the best scenes so far...each time i think you cant reach greater levels, u prove me wrong!
“Nothing”, she smiled sadly, “A trifle. The child will be the last elf born to those of us in Middle-Earth. The world changes, hervenn-nin. It no longer needs us.”
What of Arwen??? Oh yeah, she's half elf, right? So like you to twist things and make Legolas' birth coincide with the exile from Valinor. the friendships between Elrond, Erestor, Thranduil, Glorfindel that is the thing that makes this unique. Phew, the complexity, you know, Ered is right, you are a genius...
Elrond scowled and crossed his arms over his chest. Elrohir said cheekily, “Ada is like ‘Dan, isn’t he, Ada? He is very impatient.”
Elrohir scowled again, “I want to ride you, Ada! You are harder than that horse. I won’t lose my grip.”
Elrond turned red with mortification and said furiously, “Don’t you ever tell anyone that, young elf!” Erestor pretended to be interested in the parchment he was writing upon.
It was a clincher! I was laughing like anything! Oh my, you are a truly talented writer...It touched my heart, their simple happiness
As Ered said, the marriage, by the Valar, they are truly a couple
“I decided to take up madness after I realized that was the only route to win your heart”, he laughed, “How else do you woo a mad woman of a mad family?”
“Was that quite necessary?” Elrond panted, his cheeks tinged with red, “Really Glorfindel!”
“Get out!” Erestor said through clenched teeth even as Elrond tried to remove his legs from their perch without moving the scant coverlet that currently covered their lower bodies.
“Are you within…?” Glorfindel asked concerned as Elrond winced slightly, “I will wait outside”, he amended hastily as Erestor shot the coldest stare he could muster on at the time at him.
This was the most hilarious part! Even thranduil and Anoriel doing it in the council chamber loses the race!
I loved this chapter. It had angst, it had action, it had drama, it had that bitterness that is there in all the chapters of the story...Erestor and Mithrandir are a good combination. The way you make friendships is quite amazing. Your narrative is always heartwarming. Who is Saruman's spy in the Rivendell? Elrond and Erestor are a great pairing.
Small chapter compared to the rest, but one of the most intensely written ones. Now I am wondering about Celebrimbor's fate. Is he alive? Is he still a prisoner? Your intensity is really touching at times...It drags us into the world of Arda, I feel sorry for both Galadriel and Maglor. And I feel sorry for Cirdan who sympathises with them..
This chapter was even better than the others! There's nothing I particularly liked because I loved it all. Maybe Legolas' birth and the choice of his name.
My compliments. I love this fic.
Erestor is quite a masochist. Seems like he wants an entangled life. Now what are we going to discover about Lindir? I want Lindir/Melpomaen!
This was very nice: "a smiling Galadriel was far dangerous than a dozen orcs"
“Don’t ask me to explain the intricacies of the female mind. I have never understood it.” Not that he needed to. He had trouble enough with males!
I'm so happy fot Anoriel and Thranduil! I can't wait to "meet" the child.
Did I ever told you you're a genius?
I laughed throughout all the chapter. I laughed in amusement, I laughed hysterically, I laughed softly. Mostly I was hysterical, through. You'll drive me mad!
We have a reunion of The Marriage!! Oh Valar!! I mean: Galadriel and Celeborn?? Together?? You did a great job with them. There was the right amount of sadness and angst and the right amount of lust and fondness. They're extraordinary characters, but they remain believable.
As for Elrond, Erestor and the Doors Slayer... humph, Balrog Slayer, they performed the funniest scene of the whole series. I'm speechless! This was a great chapter and that part was the best!
Also the sweeeeeet twins calling 'ada' both Erstor and Elrond were not to be missed!
I also liked the way you slipped into this daily life part hints of the important events and wars.
You know, here in Italy we have a lot of problems with the powerful Catholic Church menacing afterlife punishment for love as for a sin, but the Valar are so so bitter that make it look kind. They're the real "bad guys" here, not Sauron or Melkor.
“Elrond, I can explain”... it made me laugh! It seems a lot like a line from a husband-and-wife-joke!
“Indeed”, Elrond laughed, “I could not see a patch of skin underneath all the grime, melme, what was there to be enticed with?”
Are they actually laughing together? Being happy? Just chatting about the twins? Unbelievable! This is going to keep me in high spirits all day tomorrow.
Speaking of the twins... Lovely! "Elladan is walking unsteadily. Elrohir, I am afraid, has made our study his domain. He thinks he understands all the scrolls. I have not got much work done" so sweet.
Glorfindel. Melorian. I was about to cry. It's heartbreaking to see Glor so sad, expecially because I have a special fondness for him, but also because you wrote about him really well.
“I will accept your offer. But not the lady’s. Where she is going at the end, I don’t fancy ending up there.”
I didn't like Thranduil laughing about her fate. I mean, I know he meant no offence, but just thinking about the doom of the Noldor makes my sense of humor suddenly die.
And I was almost forgetting our wizard! I like him every chapter more. The fighting scene was great, absolutely perfect.
And... well, I could go on for quite a long time writing how much I liked this or that part, but I believe I've already bored you long enough quoting your own words.
I was struck by Galadrie once again. I admire her decision and pity her fate. Maglor's words made me very sad. I expeccialy liked the first part of the chapter, and found the second well written but a little repetitious.
I can't wait to read the next chapter... but I've a lo to do... You always keep me really interested in the story.
Thranduil and Anoriel are a lovely couple...And Elrond, Erestor are again in sad situation. How tragic . I completed reading the Song Of Sunset finally. It was wonderful, I had been feeling so happy for Elrond there. By now I must understand that you cant let anyone be happy for more than 3 chapters or so...
A wonderful chapter as usual
I'm not so sure Amroth's choice was so brave... and I think he was mad following that Nirodel... she should have never taken him away from his kingdom. I hope that now Celeborn will take charge of Lothlorien so Anoriel will be able to return to Thranduil.
I laughed a lot when I read of the Halflings!
Melorian's fate struk me. I neve realized how much she was actually suffering. JDE, you're a sadistic! She was the only female who had never harmed anyone, and now...
Oh, anyway... moving and really well-written chapter.
Another powerfully moving chapter. I wait desperately for the next update. Ered, I am gonna beat you to the chapters next time!
She laughed humourlessly, “Erestor, diplomacy is not needed here. You have never needed me. My son is grown enough. His father and Cirdan will care for him. And your friend will survive. If he doesn’t, I will not say that he did not deserve it.”
“Take this to him”, she gave the unfinished banner, “I have nothing else. I wish him peace if he can find it.”
As the ship disappeared into the horizon, he sank onto his knees in the sand and buried his face in his hands. He no longer knew what to pray for. He no longer knew which of the Valar to beg.
These lines struck my heart. A powerful chapter. Angst, tragedy and sacrifice. Phew, your words are so intense. Each emotion strikes our core as we read.
I am worried for Amroth. I hate Nimrodel. Hope they are safe....And Celebrian and Erestor's scene was beautiful. I had hated her before. But now I understand her better. AS ever you manage to make me love even the characters I hated. Erestor is so noble. The scene was wonderful!!!
As Ered said, the number of love stories in this novel is sheerly amazing. Only someone like you can do this so deftly, subplots and twists! Wow, wow, and wow!
I loved this chapter. Thranduil is reunited with Anoriel and Celeborn and Galadriel are better terms. Celebrian is not aware of Elrond and Erestor, Glorfindel has another chance at love again, hope he doesnt break MEl's hearts.
What happened to Celebrimbor? And is Gandalf going to find more about Lindir? Waiting wagerly. Erestor is one of your strongest characters. I love them all, and Gildor too. Erestor-Gildor relationship is powerful, as are all your wonderful freindships.
Amazing story! I keep checking for updates. You are an excellent writer. I'm quite hooked on the twists and turns.
Author's Response:
Thank You! Glad that you like it. Updates soon...
Author's Response:
Thank You! Glad that you like it. Updates soon...
P.S. I love the twins! And I love Glorfindel when he's angry, too!
I'm worried about Amroth.
Even if I'm still convinced that she's been horrible, I'm happy that 'Bria was forgiven. Did she really deserve it? I don't know, but you were able, as always, to make my heart beat with that of the characters.
Maybe is was the music I was listening to, but this chapter was expecially magic and, at the same time, so quiet and normal that I could almost image all of the character sitting in my living room.
But nothing I write in my reviews is good enough to describe how much I like The Song of Sunset.
Please tell me there will be more! I loved this story and hope it will be continued.
Author's Response:
Glad that you liked it. I will update soon, of course.
I loved this chapter. Things are more relaxed, but not less interesting. We're discovering still more sad loves... But the calm of Thalion was reassuring. This is another thing I like about your writing: not all loves are burning passions, not all of them are sad... you manage to be so realistic!
Silly Celebrian still doesen't understand her husband...
The final line was most appropriate: “Cirdan!” she muttered, “You are lucky to have fallen in love with the sea!”
This line from the previous chapter is still good for this one: “My Lady Elbereth”, Erestor glanced at the sky, “It must seem very amusing from there, I guess". I really can't imagine who's sending graphic letters to Gildor!
Nice chapter, as always =)
Poor Mel and poor Erestor. It really seems that someone *Ered stares at the Valars disapprovingly* has the vice of putting Erestor into complicated sentimental situations, either with his own heart or with his advice.
And poor Rumil, too. He loves the elf with the most entangled marriage in Arda! By the way, these are the chaptes in which I like this marriage most. You're doing a great job!
I loke Thranduil and Galadriel's relationship, and the way you portrayed it.
I've already fallen for the twins. They seem so sweet, still untouched from the evil ot the world, whatever 'Bria says about her mother holding them. Galadriel made many mistakes, but she never meant the suffering they cause, and anyway she's very brave.
I loved this chapter... I'm starting to run out of praises for you!
I agree with all what lovelogollas said, and point number 3 of her review made me bitterly laugh "Hope it lasts before the next tragedy comes"
“My Lady Elbereth”, Erestor glanced at the sky, “It must seem very amusing from there, I guess.”
Poor Erestor...I mean Glor is not gonna accept Mel, is he?? And Rumil too. How could he even think of falling for Celeborn? Sighs...the plot gets more tangled. only you can successfully track each subplot and move smoothly. Salutes!
The Balrog Slayer sighed, he would never comprehend Celeborn’s married life. Nobody probably would.
That is true, one difficult marraige!
Wonder how Erestor will deal with Rumil now...he always has to sort out tangled love affairs!
Loved this chapter. Many reasons why :
#1. Celeborn is a great father trying to help his daughter thru the diffiuclt situation. I felt so much of pity for him. And when Galadriel comes, he doesn't want to let her attend to the labor alone fearing for his daughter's safety. I mean, his situation : torn between his duty as a father and his love for his wife...
#2. Galadriel, hate her or love her, you simply can't ignore her strong character. Phew! She's one courageous lady. Right now I love her...
#3. Elrond and Erestor's scene was perfect, glad to see them finally enjoyin their love!! Hope it lasts before the next tragedy comes.
#4. The conversation betwn Celeborn and Galdreil. I cried, it was so touching...
“It is”, Erestor sighed, “Thranduil told me that ‘Bria is in labour. That I slept with Elrond exactly when his wife is in labour with my child, Glorfindel, the Valar have an extremely unhealthy sense of humour.”
Valar are extremly hardhearted! No wonder Erestor is so torn betwn guilt & love. The way you write such situations without making extrasentimental speeches...perfect! AS Ered said, it felt too short.
Author's Response: Yes, Erestor's plight is something I do pity!
Elrond! Elrond! Why are you so unlucky always? The scene where they nearly kissed, I was biting my nails in hope!!
I am so happy that they finally joined. But Mithrandir is sharp right? Won't he know about Elrond's one-sided bond?
Author's Response: Elrond IS unlucky, I guess...Glad that you liked the chapter!
Indeed the Valars' sense of humour is wicked.
This chapter seemed so short! Maybe because I was enjoying it a lot, and time goes faster when you have fun.
Author's Response: Glad that you enjoyed it! I admit that the chapter was short. It was initially combined with the last chapter. So I thought it was too long and split it.
Oh... I almost fell from the chair when the two of them were interrupted before kissing! I was starting to think they were the most unlucky elves in all Arda... but in the end it seems that maybe they're not. I'm crossing my fingers for them
Shouldn't Isildur's heirs be living in Rivendell by now? I'm not as good as you with the canon, but I kinda remembere they should be there.
Author's Response:
Happy to keep you guessing the plot!
Isildur's heirs, they are in Rivendell...but what Erestor meant was that he had no interest in them because of all that Isildur made him suffer..
Amroth, I think that is one story that will end with tragedy. And Erestor really cares for Elrond, doesnt he? Sad about them all.
I mean Galadriel is one awesome lady, firm to save her kin...Hope that she succeeds (in canon, she does right??)
Happy that Gandalf has come.. Ered is right, his name is grey wanderer, did you mean Mithrandir, friend of the elves?
I am crying for Elrond and Erestor and all the poor souls of Finwe's house. They are all suffering too much. Will they get a happy ending?? I mean I start to think they might, but you turn the plot again. Predictablilty is one thing I have never seen here! All cliffhangers and smooth turns. And the use of the Silmarillion lines
Tears unnumbered shall you shed
Not even the shadow of your laments shall pass over the mountains
I am scared
'Bria is not gonna forgive her mother ever again..I felt sad for Galadriel. I mean, she is alone with the burden of her house...Anoriel is a strong woman, taking her brother's burdens.
Oh Heavens This is the most intense chapter in the story. I mean you have now managed to entangle Silmarillion with this story. Galadriel's motives are clearer. Now I get the bigger plot. Elrond, Erestor, Gildor, Melorian, Galadriel and all other descendants of Finwe( who married twice) they are unlucky in love..
I really have no idea how you manage to do this so easily. I almost cried at Galadriel's blasphemy.
I really loved it too, and I really hope Elrond and Erestor get a happy ending, and I really want to know what happens with Glorfindel, he is after all my favorite. Great story!
Yet another good chapter.
I really like the way the plot is evolving, and I find that I'm fascinated by the story of Amroth and Nimrodel, even if I dislike her.
Nice chap (I shouldn't even be telling you it was nice: I'm persuaded that you aren't at all capable of writing anything bad), not my favourite, but nice, expecially the last part.
Just one thing: Mithrandir doesen't mean "friend of the elves", but Grey Pilgrim.
This was... this was... incredibly... I don't know how to describe it. A whole chapter full of Elrond and Erestor, full ofthe sweetest, saddest love ever...
I have liked this story since the first chapters, but your writing has improved since then and... I can't wait to tranlsate this! Even if, I must confess, I think I like English more than Italian... maybe it's beacuse I'm reading such a great story, but everything seems to sound better in English.
Stunning chapter. There are a pair of lines that deserve to be quoted: Celeborn confessing to be a "lust-driven maniac who was never there to stand by" his daughter and Haldir talking about Elrond.
I hope Celebrian is feeling very very guilty and very very scared... I do pity her, but what she has done is awful.
It was a very intense chapter, I liked the way you wrote about the Valars and what the Elves think of them.
I'm saving the next chapters for tomorrow (free afternoon again! You seem to upload at the very best moments for me)
You managed once again to make me sorry for everyone
I was struk by the amount of evil in this part.
I cried.
When your wife winces at you and says one of the most handomes elves in Arda is passionate what is the first thing you think about? But, no, Elrond is too noble to have such thoughts *sighs*