Elven Footfalls by Lady Willowish


Summary: Eowyn fights with her feelings when she learns that Arwen, Aragorn's Love, arrived during the battle of Helms Deep. A Work in Progress.
Rating: Teenage Audience [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstar
Category: FPS, Femslash > Arwen/Éowyn, Femslash > Éowyn/Arwen
Characters: Arwen, Éowyn
Type: Femslash
Warning: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapter: 12 | Completed: No | Words: 28767 | Read: 58425
Published: June 15, 2009 | Updated: June 15, 2009

1. Chapter 1 by Lady Willowish [Reviews - 0] (1164 words)

2. Chapter 2 by Lady Willowish [Reviews - 0] (1577 words)

3. Chapter 3 by Lady Willowish [Reviews - 0] (1642 words)

4. Chapter 4 by Lady Willowish [Reviews - 0] (2226 words)

5. Chapter 5 by Lady Willowish [Reviews - 0] (2442 words)

6. Chapter 6 by Lady Willowish [Reviews - 0] (1919 words)

7. Chapter 7 by Lady Willowish [Reviews - 0] (3009 words)

8. Chapter 8 by Lady Willowish [Reviews - 0] (2496 words)

9. Chapter 9 by Lady Willowish [Reviews - 0] (3085 words)

10. Chapter 10 by Lady Willowish [Reviews - 0] (3723 words)

11. Chapter 11 by Lady Willowish [Reviews - 0] (3231 words)

12. Chapter 12 by Lady Willowish [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstar (2253 words)