Elven Footfalls by Lady Willowish

The morning birds chirped loudly as Eowyn stirred, her hazy mind slowly coming into focus. She'd had little sleep, and it didn't seem like she was going to have much more. Lazily Eowyn stretched and opened her eyes to morning light shining in through her tent opening. She couldn't linger much longer she had things she needed to do today. As she sat up the fabric of her nightgown fell in a bunch at her waist, she obviously hadn't tied it on properly before climbing into bed for a couple hours of sleep. She smiled remembering the comfort of sitting with Arwen in almost complete silence for at least an hour after they had finished talking.

They had both climbed out of the water, keeping their eyes mostly averted, and dressed. After that they had sat together with their arms wrapped around one another protectively. They barely spoke, only enjoyed the comfort of the others presence.

Eowyn sighed, what was she going to do? Shaking her head she decided not to think on it at the moment. Standing she picked out a clean dress for the day. She glanced in the mirror and sighed again, dark circles lay under her eyes, and valor she did look tired. She then turned and walked out of the tent and headed for the armory, might as well check if there was any armor already made in Merrys size. About ten minutes later she emerged from the armory carrying a bundle in her arms, she had been in luck! There had been some small esquire armor made, just Merrys size too. As she was walking back to her tent with the bundle she suddenly paused walking past Arwen and Aragorn's tent. Glancing at it she silently wondered if the lady was awake yet. She shook her head, she'd check on her later, she had things she must do first.

After placing the armor in her tent Eowyn set out to find her uncle. When she found him he was standing with Aragorn looking out over the tents of the many soldiers that had arrived.

"More will come," she heard him say, but as he turned to walk away Aragorn stopped him.

"Every hour lost hastens Gondors defeat. We have till dawn then we must ride." Theoden nodded and then turned in her direction.

"Eowyn, sister-daughter, come walk with me," Eowyn nodded talking his outstretched arm.

"How are you?" Eowyn smiled a little, she'd been better.

"Nervous," she said honestly.

The battle coming had been long sneaking up on her nerves. Of course Theoden would not know of her plan to ride with them. They walked amongst tents as more and more of the men awoke and started wandering. Theoden stopped and turned to Eowyn and reached for her hands.

"And frightened I imagine," he said watching her. Frightened? Maybe a little...but no that was not something she could admit to. She simply gazed at him, refusing to let him see the truth. He gave her a small smile and placed a hand on her arm.

"It is alright to admit that you are afraid sometimes Eowyn," With that he walked off down towards the newly arriving soldiers. Eowyn stood there for a moment contemplating what to do next before resolving that she should get some breakfast.

Evening came faster than Eowyn would have liked, hurrying back to her tent she almost ran right over the young hobbit she was rushing for.

"Merry!" she exclaimed almost running into him, he smiled up at her and mumbled an apology. Eowyn smiled at him and shook her head, "was my fault, now come on, lets see if this armor fits you."

"There, a true esquire of Rohan," she said standing, having put his helmet on.

"I'm ready!" he exclaimed pulling his sword from its sheath. Eowyn jumped back narrowly avoiding the blades slash, holding out hands she laughed.

"Sorry" he said once again, "It isn't all that dangerous," he paused looking the blade over, "It's not even sharp."

Eowyn smiled and grabbed hold of the tip of the sword with her hand.

"Well that's no good you kill many orcs with blunt blade," pushing him towards the door she said, "Come on," outside the tent he swung the word around in a few different stabbing motions, "To the smithy, go!" she urged him on.

As he ran off Eomer spoke up from her right, "You should not encourage him."

Eowyn frowned at him, "You should not doubt him." She said firmly, she knew the hobbit had skill.

"I do not doubt his heart, only the reach of his arm," he said snickering, Eowyn couldn't stand all these narrow-minded people judging others before they had been tested! And she especially did not want to hear it from her own brother.

"And why should Merry be left behind? He has as much cause to go war as you," she turned to where his retreating form had been, "Why can he not fight for those he loves?" she knew she was no longer speaking of Merry, and no doubt her brother had caught on, but she didn't care. She was right. Sighing she decided maybe now was a good time to go find Arwen.

Eowyn stood infront of their tent; she paused before entering and cleared her throat, "Arwen?" after getting no answer she cautiously entered.

The tent was decorated lavishly and there were a few things scattered about like swords and clothing. Eowyn noticed that there was a curtain obscuring half the tent from view, as she approached it a voice from behind her, caused her to jump. "Eowyn?"

Eowyn turned to see Aragorn standing behind her. She placed a hand on her chest and breathed.

"Lord Aragorn, I'm sorry I did not know you were in here," she paused, as he looked skeptical at her. "I was looking for Arwen," she said quickly explaining. Aragorn nodded and walked around her so he was standing between her and the curtain.

"She is sleeping," he said simply. This immediately caused Eowyn to worry, sleeping? At this hour?

"Is she not feeling well my lord?" she asked curiously.

"She is fine, just homesick I believe," oh how much he didn't know. Eowyn sighed and bowed to him.

"Thank you my lord, I shall return later then," but then she paused looking at him, something seemed different. Then she noticed it.

"My Lord may I ask...where is the jewel necklace she gave you?" he blinked, as though he only just noticed it was not there himself, but his answer expelled that thought.

"I gave it back to her in hopes that's its familiarity would raise her spirits." He sighed, and then looked at Eowyn, "Can I ask you something Eowyn?" he said taking a step towards her. She resisted the urge to back away out of courtesy.

"You may," she said calmly.

"I must ask you...you must stop her from fighting, I do not want to loose her. Promise me that you'll do whatever you can to stop her " He grabbed her hands and moved closer to her, "Please," Eowyn had never seen him like this before.

Quickly she pulled her hands from his grip and backed away, "You know I can do no such thing," she paused, "but I'll promise you this," she looked down and then back up at him, "I will fight to my last breath to protect her..."

Aragorn's gaze was intense, as though he were trying to find some hidden meaning in those words. He opened his mouth as to say something but the next moment a soldier was standing in the tent door.

"King Theoden awaits you my lord," he said retreating. Aragorn gave one last look to Eowyn before exiting.

Eowyn stood in silence for a few moments wondering what she should do now. A small clearing of a throat caused her to turn around. Half hidden by the curtain Arwen stood, her flowing red gown was blowing slightly in the small breeze coming in through the tent opening. A small smile was on her lips, "Hello Eowyn," she said softly.

She didn't look well at all; Aragorn was a fool if he thought she wasn't sick.

"Hello," Eowyn said softly back to her. "He's gone?" she asked her eyes traveling to the tent opening. Silently Eowyn nodded. Arwens eyes traveled back to Eowyn and she gave a sad smile. Eowyn cautiously walked up to her so they were no more than a foot apart.

"Arwen?" she said softly. Arwens gaze lifted to her and she suddenly fell forward into …owyn's embrace. "Arwen!" Eowyn exclaimed wrapping her arms tightly around Arwens waist and slowly lowering them both to the ground.

Arwen lay in …owyn's embrace shivering. Her head lay against …owyn's chest and her arms were wrapped around Eowyn. "So cold..." she muttered. Eowyn felt she was on the brick of tears, as she pulled the other women closer and whispered soothing words into her hair.

She saw the Evenstar jewel around Arwens neck and ran a hand over it, "Does this bring you no warmth?" Arwens sad eyes rose to meet hers. Eowyn sucked in a breath and with one of her hands she gently stroked Arwens cheek with the back of her hand.

"Did you mean what you said to Aragorn?" she asked suddenly breaking the moment, "About protecting me?"

Eowyn blushed, "You heard that..." Arwen pushed herself up so they were sitting level and nodded.

"I did, every word," Eowyn said confidently. Arwen smiled but it faded a moment later."I don't need to be protected you know."

Eowyn gave a sad smile, and ran a few fingers down Arwens face, "Right now you do," Arwen smiled seeming to accept this. And laid back down, her head resting on …owyn's lap. Eowyn sighed and ran her fingers through the lady's long locks. Eowyn closed her eyes in contentment. She opened them again to find that Arwens head was raised, and though she was still lying down her eyes were fixed upon the tent opening. Eowyn turned expecting for a moment to see Aragorn but instead she was met with the site of an unfamiliar face. He had long dark hair like that of Arwen, and held himself high, his long cloak draping around him. She noted his ears were pointed he was an elf.

"Ada..." Arwen said sitting up fully, Ada? What does that mean? Eowyn wondered, but quickly forgot it and jumped up grabbing Arwens hand to steady her as she stood.

"I'm alright," she said softly turning to Eowyn, she held …owyn's hands in her own and looked into her eyes. "May we talk later? I need to speak with my father alone," …owyn's eyebrows raised, Father? Sure he looked a little older than her but not to that degree...Eowyn looked to the elf standing in the tent opening, waiting patiently.

She then turned back to Arwen. "Of course," she said softly locking eyes with Arwen. She squeezed her hand reassuringly and then walked past the dark haired elf out f the tent.

Eowyn wondered around the camp, not really heading anywhere. She was of course only passing time till Arwen was finished talking to her father. Eowyn turned into the main strip of tents to see Theoden talking with Eomer around a fire pit. Seeing Eowyn approaching Theoden rose and walked up to her.

"I thought you may wish to know this, Aragorn is leaving. Him and most likely his companions will be taking the mountain road. They will not be riding to battle with us." he paused, seemingly trying to read her reaction.

"If you want to find him, he was in the clearing behind his tent preparing his horse." Eowyn looked suddenly panicked...Aragorn was leaving...she turned quickly back to Arwens tent. Aragorn was not the one she wanted to find. Hurrying into the tent, Eowyn was met with emptiness. No! She had to find her!

Eowyn ran to where she knew the lady's' horse was tied...she was in luck! Arwen stood beside her horse tying the saddle tight. Her hair was pulled half up, and she had her green riding outfit on.

Eowyn rushed forward, "Why are you doing this?" she asked coming up beside the woman. "Arwen you're not strong enough to ride by yourself," she said worriedly.

"I have strength enough when I need it," she said almost coldly, securing a bag onto her horse. "You should not have come," she said softly watching the ground. Eowyn sighed and reached her Arwens hand. Softly she held it in her own. "Please," Eowyn said almost whispering, "don't go," Arwen hand slipped from her grasp and Eowyn looked up to meet Arwens eyes.

"I've given my promise. His fate is my fate, that is how it must be," Eowyn shook her head angrily, "No! This is not about promises given to a love long forgotten. This is about deciding whether you want to live that lie till your days end! This is about taking a chance for love..." Eowyn trailed off realizing what she'd said. Arwen was looking at her with such an expression it would have made the most cold hearted of men weep.

Eowyn took a profound breath and built up her courage, she had nothing to loose now. Taking a stride towards Arwen she placed a hand on her cheek and covered Arwens lips with her own. She felt Arwen relax into her embrace and return it will equal force. …owyn's arms encircled around Arwens neck and drew their bodies closer. Arwen suddenly jerked away from …owyn's embrace.

"No!...I cannot," she said backing away from Eowyn. Swiftly she bounded onto her horse. Eowyn stared up at her in disbelief, tears on the brink of spilling.

"Arwen..." she whispered.

Taking a gaping breath Arwen torn her tearful gaze from …owyn's and kicked her horse into movement, dust being kicked up from the earth.

Eowyn stood in apparent shock for a few moments before she felt her knees weaken, falling to the ground in distraught tears. Her body shook as she let the sobs overcome her. Taking a shuddering breath she slammed her closed fist into the ground. Something cool brushed her hand, and she ceased crying looking to where her hand was shaking on the ground. Lying in the grass under her hand was a jewel she had seen many times before. Arwens Evenstar necklace was now clasped in her palm tightly.

Rising from the grass, Eowyn placed the Jewel around her neck. She then looked to the east and waited for a new day to begin.
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