Vices by Talullah, Jaiden_s


Summary: A discussion of preferences among friends.
Rating: Teenage Audience [Reviews - 0]
Category: FPS > Lindir/Glorfindel, FPS, FPS > Figwit/Erestor, FPS > Erestor/Figwit, FPS > Glorfindel/Lindir
Characters: Erestor, Figwit (Melpomaen), Glorfindel, Lindir
Type: None
Warning: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapter: 1 | Completed: Yes | Words: 1726 | Read: 2096
Published: August 16, 2009 | Updated: August 16, 2009

Story notes: Written for the International Day of Slash, July 1st 2006.

1. Chapter 1 by Talullah [Reviews - 0] (1726 words)