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Back in Time by sbyte

Summary: The twins accidentally cast a spell that sends them many, many years into the past. There, they meet a young orphan elven boy who lives alone in an abandoned cabin in the woods. Before they return home, they give the child (who never said a word to them) a mithril locket, telling him that if he ever needed money, to sell it. After they return to their time, they notice that the necklace Erestor always wears is the same necklace they gave to the young child.
Rating: Teenage Audience [Reviews - 0]
Category: FPS
Characters: Elladan, Elrohir, Erestor, Glorfindel
Type: None
Warning: AU
Challenges: Erestor and Twins plotbunny
Challenge: Erestor and Twins plotbunny
Series: None
Chapter: 6 | Completed: Yes | Words: 11378 | Read: 15582
Published: December 11, 2011 | Updated: December 11, 2011
Story notes: The plotbunny was hiding in the Library of Moria Challenges. Cheysuli is responsible for sneaking it in. There is no romance or sex. It is just a little spoof written late at night while playing with the idea. The plotbunny as posted in the Library of Moria challenges is cut and pasted below:
Erestor and Twins plotbunny by Cheysuli
Summary: The twins accidentally cast a spell that sends them many, many years into the past. There, they meet a young orphan elven boy who lives alone in an abandoned cabin in the woods. Before they return home, they give the child (who never said a word to them) a mithril locket, telling him that if he ever needed money, to sell it. After they return to their time, they notice that the necklace Erestor always wears is the same necklace they gave to the young child.
Author's note: My spin on the plotbunny differs in that there is some question as to whether the elfling actually lives in the cabin any longer. The twins can't know positively as the elfling never speaks. Instead they have to reach their own conclusions. The twins are young adults. Their parents are not in Imladris at the time.
Beta: The most wonderful and lovely Chloe Amethyst read this chapter for me months ago. Although I will list two women as betas in the following chapters, they didn't touch anything in this chapter.
1. Chapter 1 by sbyte [Reviews - 0] (487 words)
2. Chapter 2 by sbyte [Reviews - 0] (1145 words)
Beta: TWED and KRob dedicated their time, liquor and effort into making the following chapters a good read.
3. Chapter 3 by sbyte [Reviews - 0] (3128 words)
Beta: TWED and KRob beta'd this chapter, both proofing grammar and making plot suggestions. They went beyond what was expected and I thank them for their time and effort.
4. Chapter 4 by sbyte [Reviews - 0] (4230 words)
Beta: TWED and KRob
5. Chapter 5 by sbyte [Reviews - 0] (880 words)
Beta: TWED and KRob
6. Chapter 6 by sbyte [Reviews - 0] (1508 words)