Forbidden by Erandir

Chapter notes: Another chapter I pulled out of my arse. No thanks to you guys. I ask for help and what do I get? Two reviews, both saying 'UPDATE FASTER!' I thought I explained why this was not possible. 'Help' does not mean: 'I kind of have an idea, maybe I can make it work', it means: 'I don't know what the hell I'm doing!' Email me, review for me, tell me what YOU think is going to happen next. Hey, maybe I'll even like what you have to say and it WILL happen. Exciting. It's just like one of those choose your own ending books from like 2nd grade. Sorry if that sounded as though I was bitching at you guys, you know I love you.

On a lighter note. I have received notice that this fic has actually corrupted someone into the world of slash! That is the biggest compliment that I could have ever received! Wow, thank you to whomever wrote that review, I will love you until the day I die!
As the days went on Gimli watched the interaction between his two companions. Or lack thereof. He had noticed Aragorn attempt to speak to Legolas on a few occasions, but the Elf would avoid him like the plague. There was obvious tension between the two, tension that was not doing them any good on their quest. The day before they had encountered Eomer, Marshal of the Mark, and now camped under the boughs of Fangorn Forest. Gimli himself was tense in this place, but the energy that flowed between Aragorn and Legolas was not the same kind of tension.

It seemed to the Dwarf that every time the two looked at each other a visible spark traveled between their eyes, and then they would look away again. They would not speak to each other, though it seemed more that Legolas was not speaking, for though Aragorn would try often the Elf always shunned his advances.

Gimli was growing frustrated.

Either his two friend did not realize what was going on between them (highly unlikely) or they were too shy to admit they had feeling toward each other. This last option was probably the most likely. For though they tried to hide their feelings, it was obvious to anyone who cared to look. And Gimli cared to look.

They could not go on like this, Gimli could not go on like this. Sometimes the silence between them was so thick it could be cut with a knife. He had to fix this, he had to make them realize what fools they were being.

Gimli's task proved harder than expected.

His original plan had been to talk to each of his companions separately to find out if either of them knew what was going on between them. This plan had failed before it even began. He had spoken to Legolas first, and though he had tried to be subtle the Elf had only given him cryptic answers and strange looks. It was not helping, so he gave up. Now he needed a new plan.

Gimli's new plan was to smack them both over the head and tell them to figure out what the problem was, since the subtle approach had not been working. Or maybe he would just lock them in a room together. The latter was a bit harder as he did not have a room at the moment. Although there were trees. Lots and lots of trees. Too many trees. The Elf liked the trees, though, so at the moment Gimli was willing to give the both of them a break (seeing as the trees did not seem to like him very much, and it might not be good to make the Elf angry, because then the trees would know it was his fault, and then they would attack him. Wait, that did not make any sense.).

So, Gimli's plan could not progress further. He would just have to wait until they were somewhere they could be locked in a room. This proved to be sooner than expected.

Not long after the three hunters had entered Fangorn Forest, following the tracks of Merry and Pippin, they stumbled upon Gandalf. At first the Maia's changed appearance had made them fear he was Saruman, but fortunately they were wrong, and now they were headed back across the plains in the direction of Edoras.

They arrived in the city after two days of uneventful travel to find that Eomer's words had been true. The king's mind was poisoned, but all that had been remedied now thanks to Gandalf. The remaining members of the Fellowship had been given rooms for the duration of their stay. Unfortunately there had only been three rooms, and before Legolas had been able speak up and offer to share with Gimli, Aragorn had claimed that they would room together. Much to the Elf's chagrin. "Why do you keep doing this, Aragorn?" Legolas demanded as soon as the two were alone.

"Doing what?" The man asked, beginning to pull off all unnecessary articles of clothing.

"Do not play innocent with me, Aragorn. You know of what I speak."

The ranger sighed and turned to his companion, "Did Gimli's words completely elude you?" He asked in exasperation, "This problem is not our own anymore, it is effecting how we fight. If Gimli has noticed it is likely that Gandalf has as well. We cannot go on like this."

Legolas turned away. Aragorn was right, and he had decided that he was not going to deny his feelings any longer. "I know," He muttered, "But I am afraid."

"Afraid of what?"

"Of my father," The Elf answered, "You know what will happen if he finds out about us."

"I was not aware that there was an 'us'," Aragorn replied, a hopeful note in his voice.

Legolas looked up again, and was surprised to find Aragorn standing only a single pace away from him. He was close enough that the prince could reach out and touch him. It was closer than they had been since that night in 'Lorien. "You are right," he said softly, barely loud enough for the man to hear, "We cannot go on like this. I cannot go on like this." A sigh escaped his lips, and he looked away again, "I told myself not to deny my feelings for you, but it has only made things harder. I want to love you Aragorn, but I-"

The blond Elf stopped abruptly as his companion's fingers suddenly touched his lips. He looked up to meet Aragorn's eyes, finding that the man had closed the gap between them, and stood now mere inches from Legolas. "You say you want to love me," he murmured, "So let yourself."

"But my father-"

"Never has to find out," the ranger interrupted, though there was a hint of sadness in his voice, "You said yourself that things change during times of war, that laws are broken for the greater good. So break this one, Legolas."

"I-" Legolas began breathlessly, staring up at Aragorn in hesitation. His voice stopped suddenly, and he reached up a hand to stroke the man's cheek. He met his companion's eyes, and saw nothing but love in them. A faint smile crossed his lips then, "I... I love you."

And then Aragorn's lips were on his; warm and gentle, not demanding as they were in Lothlorien. The man's arms wrapped around his waist, and Legolas melted into the strong embrace. This was right. Every fiber of his being told him that this was right, told him that he belonged in Aragorn's arms, and that he should never leave them again. Finally.

Finally he is in my arms, and I can have him forever. I have waited so long for this moment, and I cannot believe I did not realize it soon. I belong here. I belong with him, in his arms and in his heart. They say rules were meant to be broken, and I could not agree more.

I love him.

And Adar be damned if you try and tear us apart.
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