The Whispering of the Willow Trees by Elvensong


Summary: After the war of the ring, a terrible sickness overcomes Gondor and without her immortality, Arwen finds herself not immune. By magic between elves, Legolas channels his healing power to her, only to have to leave and fight for his kingdom in his weakened condition.
Rating: Teenage Audience [Reviews - 0]
Category: FPS > Legolas/Aragorn, FPS, FPS > Aragorn/Legolas
Characters: Aragorn, Legolas
Type: None
Warning: AU
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapter: 16 | Completed: Yes | Words: 14021 | Read: 17135
Published: August 26, 2012 | Updated: August 26, 2012

Story notes: This is AU, most of the Elves have left for the Havens, but Gandalf remains at this point having yet to sail. Takes place after the war of the ring, when Aragorn is king of Gondor and happily married to the now mortal Arwen.

Please review, for they each mean so much to me and inspire me to overcome what problems the muses may throw my way.

1. Chapter 1. Changing Winds by Elvensong [Reviews - 0] (824 words)

2. Chapter 2. Never Ending White by Elvensong [Reviews - 0] (825 words)

3. Chapter 3. Discovering Hope by Elvensong [Reviews - 0] (1086 words)

4. Chapter 4. Messages by Elvensong [Reviews - 0] (829 words)

5. Chapter 5. The Decision by Elvensong [Reviews - 0] (949 words)

6. Chapter 6. Changing Fate by Elvensong [Reviews - 0] (1075 words)

7. Chapter 7. News of the Scarlet River by Elvensong [Reviews - 0] (812 words)

8. Chapter 8. Making Blood into Memories by Elvensong [Reviews - 0] (1075 words)

9. Chapter 9. Puzzles by Elvensong [Reviews - 0] (1154 words)

10. Chapter 10. Terrors in the Grass by Elvensong [Reviews - 0] (946 words)

11. Chapter 11. Falling Back into Darkness by Elvensong [Reviews - 0] (872 words)

12. Chapter 12. The Breaking of the Storm by Elvensong [Reviews - 0] (806 words)

13. Chapter 13. Reunions by Elvensong [Reviews - 0] (839 words)

14. Chapter 14. Echoes in the Dark by Elvensong [Reviews - 0] (708 words)

15. Chapter 15. Descending into Myth by Elvensong [Reviews - 0] (768 words)

16. Chapter 16. Overcoming all Obstacles by Elvensong [Reviews - 0] (453 words)