The Whispering of the Willow Trees by Elvensong

The great forest of Mirkwood was think and unyielding. Even the power of the great storm could not fully penetrate the canopy above the travels. Aragorn had traveled these woods often with Legolas, and the Wood Elf showed him exactly how to survive in the dreadful woods he called home. The Prince told Estel what plants to avoid, where the spiders tended to nest and where to find the best streams for water. All these lessons were coming into play as the trio made their way to the storm fortress of the Elves of Northern Mirkwood.

They attempted to follow the path that Aragorn believed Legolas would take, but if Legolas was no longer leading they could be on any of the hundreds of paths leaving from where they were to where they wanted to be.

Aragorn would not let the consideration enter his mind that his friend was not well, that he might be in danger like a mortal. That could never be a possibility.

Elladan was keeping a close eye on the woods surrounding their small trail. Actually, in most places the path they were on would never be considered anything suitable for traveling along, but in Mirkwood it was one of the most well seen paths through the forest.

They had walked what seemed like many hours. As deep as they were in the forest, they could no longer tell if it was night or day. The light was always a mysterious indirect glow, like from the mood behind a veil of swiftly flowing clouds.

It was in this mist that finally some evidence was given that others had just passed this way.

Elrohir gave a look of surprise, "They cannot be much farther in front of us, we must hurry."

With all speed, they continued until shapes could be seen in the distance through a small break in the oppressive woods.

Rushing ahead, Aragorn gave a whistle to the other party. Legolas also had taught him the calls used by the Elves to communicate and avoid unfortunate mistakes in identity.

His foster-brothers were close behind him as the gap was narrowed.

"Legolas!" He called.

He had found him. After all the tracking and all the worry, he had once more found his friend. In his mind he still wondered how he ever let him go in the first place into such peril.

"Aragorn." Came a weak reply from one of the horses, this horse was being led by another Elf for it was obvious that Legolas had no power to ride with control.

His injuries were severe, but he been attended too. The bandages covering a great deal of his body were already getting soaked through. The bleeding was not stopping.

"We do not understand." Came a remark from one of the Mirkwood Elves. Aragorn was so struck by his friend's appearance he didn't turn around to see who was speaking. "He should be healing well by now, but the bleeding is still continuing. We did not know what to do, so we decided to make way for the palace as soon as possible."

"It is an ancient magic that keeps him from healing."

"You know of it?"

"It is because of me that he endures it." Aragorn finally turned and waited for judgment.

Turion then approached the man, "That is between you and our new King. All that matters now is saving his life."

Aragorn once more looked to Legolas. The Elf appeared to be semi-conscious from bloodloss, but was obviously very hurt. Slowly, Aragorn brought him down from the horse in order to inspect his injuries closer and perhaps get him better outfitted for the rest of the trip.

"I'm here, Legolas. Just relax."

"You're wasting time, Aragorn. Hurry to the palace and prepare the others for the attack that is coming. They need to be prepared." Legolas' hoarse whispers were not enough to deter the Ranger from his work. They lives of the two people which mattered most to him were bound together before him and he would not even think about risking that.

"You are important, they will need a leader. You must lead them into the battles that lie ahead."

Knowing that trying to make Aragorn relent would be a waste of energy, Legolas did not press that matter, but let the man continue.

"I am sorry. I allowed myself to be caught up in the moment and did not see the full picture."

Aragorn bandaged yet another bleeding wound, "Anyone, mortal or no would have been distraught at the events that had occurred. Do not blame yourself. Elven patience isn't rock hard." Aragorn glanced at his brothers, "Believe me, I know some elves who have never shown patience or restraint."

"Who could he mean?" Elladan questioned. Elrohir simply shrugged.

When Aragorn had finished, Legolas was nearly unconscious and the man had to lift him onto the horse and position him so most of his weight was leaning forward onto the horse's neck.

"We must hurry, there is little time."
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