The Whispering of the Willow Trees by Elvensong

Walking the halls of the Palace of Gondor, Aragorn searched for his friend. He had been respectfully asked to leave them room with all the elves from Mirkwood so the newest King could sit alone with his father's sword and his own inner demons.

Upon returning to the room, he had found that Legolas had slipped away without anyone hearing him. One of the many perks of being an Elf, silent steps. The searching took a while, but finally the object of his pursuit was betrayed by the sound of his activities.

All Aragorn could hear was the flowing of water from one of the washing basins and looking into the room from the doorway.


The Elf didn't even turn to recognize him but kept on with his job. When Aragorn approached closer, he finally saw that his friend was desperately trying to remove the stained blood from his father's sword.

"Legolas, are you okay?" From an even closer angle the man noticed cuts on his friend's hands from the frantic way he was handling the sharp weapon.

"Please respond to me, my friend. Do not keep all your emotions inside your heart."

When Legolas finally turned to meet his gaze, Aragorn had to use all his might to keep from looking away for the grief that shone in those eyes could hurt one's very soul.

"From the south." Came the short and weak reply.

"What do you mean?"

Louder and with more force, Legolas continued, "They broke through the southern border."

Confused at why that would bother his comrade more than anything else, Aragorn placed a hand on the Elf's shoulder. "Yes?"

Shrugging in order to escape the grasp Legolas spoke once more.

"The south was my command. I was in charge of protecting the southern border and I left. I abandoned them and my doing so have caused the death of my father."

Fearing the worst for the Elf, Aragorn protested, "I bid you to do so."

"I could have said no! I should have known the danger was far too prominent to leave my charge. My second in command was a wise commander himself, but he did not know the orcs like I do from my many experiences with them. No one knew them like me. I left them to die."

No words of comfort could be said in response. The words Aragorn did find sounded pathetic to his own ears, "I'm so sorry."

"My father asked me why I had to go. He said not to stay away too long. I wonder if he thought of me as he died. I think maybe he wondered why I wasn't there."

Having finished with the sword, Legolas left the room clearly not wishing to be followed at this moment. He left one man alone in a room with bloody water and a choked heart.

Gandalf sat in the gardens with his pipe thinking of the times. How he thought nothing could have been darker than the War of the Ring and how fate always had something to spring on the unexpected.

Word of Mirkwood's deadly attack brought a shadow upon all of their successes. Arwen was constantly improving, however would require still more time before she would be well enough to survive on her own. The Elven people currently taking guest quarters screamed of their need to return. At the cost of many, the first wave of attacks was pushed back but more were constantly looming on the horizon. No one knew when the next attempt to seize the Wood-Elf's realm would come.

"I see you sit alone, Mithrandir."

"Yes, Aragorn, for once more things that should have been simple have become inordinately complicated."

Smiling slightly, Aragorn thought of their many other adventures. "It seems to happen to us often."

No one spoke as the sun set that evening. No more words were needed.

The next morning brought with it the sun and the departure of the elves. All of the elves. Aragorn was sitting in the reading room with books of military strategy when word came by one of his advisors of the departures.

Running for all he was worth, Aragorn cut Legolas off before he could reach his horse.

"What are you doing?"

"I am leaving. My people need me. I must do all I can."

Exasperated, the man couldn't believe what he was hearing. "You can not go! No only are you lacking all your strength, but you have the healing ability of a mortal and a weak one at that. Something you would normal think as inconsequential could kill you. You are in no shape to fight."

Looking to the other waiting for him, "There is no other option."

"Of course there is! Wait until you have your strength back, you will do no good to your people if you are dead."

"I must do all I can." The Elf turned to prepare his horse for the journey back to Mirkwood, now his Kingdom.

"It's suicide."

Stopping, Legolas finally turned to face his friend. His gaze fell over the man's shoulder. "Do you see that tree?"

"A Willow."

A small smile brought on by fond memory shone on Legolas' face, "My father told me of the trees when I was new to the world. He taught me of tree speech and how to listen to their conversations, but the willow is quiet. Its secrets are the most precious of all, and they do not speak to every Elf. Sometimes the most wonderful voices are the most hidden. This morning I finally understood what they've been trying to tell me for all these centuries."

"What is that?"

"That a whisper is more powerful than a shout. That simply existing and swaying in the wind can have more strength than standing ridged. Did you know that the willow is the only tree an Elf can't climb?"

Looking at the swinging branches, I was easy to understand why, "I did not."

"Perhaps my mere being there will be enough. My presence for my people might give them the power to overcome our enemies. If my existing can bring to them some hope, I believe it is worth my peril and even my death."

The sun had barely cleared the horizon leaving lingering shadows over the land. The King of Mirkwood and his people rode into those shadows to return into the unknown abyss waiting for them in the invaded woods beyond.
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