Pippin and Merry by Hyel


Summary: Pippin and Merry. Stolen pose series - I was feeling in a rut and decided to sketch some pairing pictures from various manga and turn them into characters from my various fandoms. I asked friends to suggest pairings. Merry/Pippin was a pretty popular one. The pose is based on one from Maki Murakami's Gravitation.
Rating: Teenage Audience [Reviews - 0]
Category: Fanart
Characters: Merry, Pippin
Type: None
Warning: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapter: 1 | Completed: Yes | Words: 1 | Read: 1284
Published: October 07, 2008 | Updated: October 07, 2008

1. Chapter 1 by Hyel [Reviews - 0] (1 words)