a moment's rest by NoScrubs12345


Summary: Glorfindel,having spent the night alone in their bed, searches for Erestor after his husband loses track of the time.
Rating: General Audience [Reviews - 4]
Category: FPS > Erestor/Glorfindel
Characters: None
Type: Romance/Drama
Warning: Sap/Fluff
Challenges: International Day of Fanworks
Challenge: International Day of Fanworks
Series: None
Chapter: 1 | Completed: Yes | Words: 421 | Read: 1174
Published: February 15, 2015 | Updated: February 15, 2015

Story notes: Written for the Library of Moria's International Day of Fanworks Challenge. My prompt was to use two of these three words: "books, a houseplant, a walk outside." I'm not sure how I feel about it. It got away from me, and Erestor didn't want to behave. *shrugs* Feel free to correct my Quenya; I'm not as well versed in it as Sindarin.

1. a moment's rest by NoScrubs12345 [Reviews - 4] (421 words)