Courting Death by Carhuine Malthenel


Summary: Legolas no longer wants to live.
Rating: Teenage Audience [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarhalf-star
Category: FPS, FPS > Aragorn/Legolas, FPS > Legolas/Aragorn
Characters: Aragorn, Legolas
Type: Dark fic
Warning: Angst, Self mutilation
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapter: 25 | Completed: Yes | Words: 20694 | Read: 473347
Published: February 02, 2009 | Updated: February 02, 2009

Story notes: The idea for this story came to as I was napping. I have never written anything like this. I usually write fluffy, touchy, feely romance. So please write me. Thoughts, ideas, constructive criticism, and flames. Everything is welcome!!!
Rating: PG-13 for graphic images (Self mutilation and lots of blood.)

1. Part 1 by Carhuine Malthenel [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarhalf-star (845 words)

2. Part 2 by Carhuine Malthenel [Reviews - 0] (1024 words)

3. Part 3 by Carhuine Malthenel [Reviews - 0] (590 words)

4. Part 4 by Carhuine Malthenel [Reviews - 0] (834 words)

5. Part 5 by Carhuine Malthenel [Reviews - 0] (779 words)

6. Part 6 by Carhuine Malthenel [Reviews - 0] (299 words)

7. Part 7 by Carhuine Malthenel [Reviews - 0] (444 words)

8. Part 8 by Carhuine Malthenel [Reviews - 0] (1411 words)

9. Part 9 by Carhuine Malthenel [Reviews - 0] (1071 words)

10. Part 10 by Carhuine Malthenel [Reviews - 0] (698 words)

11. Part 11 by Carhuine Malthenel [Reviews - 0] (630 words)

12. Part 12 by Carhuine Malthenel [Reviews - 0] (392 words)

13. Part 13 by Carhuine Malthenel [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (610 words)

14. Part 14 by Carhuine Malthenel [Reviews - 0] (584 words)

15. Part 14 - II by Carhuine Malthenel [Reviews - 0] (783 words)

16. Part 15 by Carhuine Malthenel [Reviews - 0] (800 words)

17. Part 16 by Carhuine Malthenel [Reviews - 0] (605 words)

18. Part 17 by Carhuine Malthenel [Reviews - 0] (1218 words)
A/N: Legolas's POV
19. Part 18 by Carhuine Malthenel [Reviews - 0] (1426 words)
A/N: Aragorn's POV
20. Part 19 by Carhuine Malthenel [Reviews - 0] (1356 words)
A/N: Legolas's POV
21. Part 20 by Carhuine Malthenel [Reviews - 0] (1089 words)
A/N: Haldir's POV.
22. Part 21 by Carhuine Malthenel [Reviews - 0] (1123 words)

23. Part 22 by Carhuine Malthenel [Reviews - 0] (805 words)
A/N: I see the Valar like angels shimmery, radiant beings that speak to us not with spoke words but we hear their words in our hearts and minds.
24. Part 22 - II by Carhuine Malthenel [Reviews - 0] (812 words)

25. Part 23 by Carhuine Malthenel [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (466 words)
A/N: Ok this is it the big push. Do you want a sequel? Do I start a new story for the sequel or should I just continue on under this story? The sequel will cover Thranny's and Legolas's relationship and awnser the mother question. For now lemme know what you want. A new story for the sequel or just contiune on? Email or review....Do you even want a sequel?